What is the cause of autism

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The cause of autism is unknown but research has pointed to several factors, including genetics, infections, and problems at birth. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-autism ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of autism
No one thing has been proven to cause Autism. However, the University of Washington Autism Center has done extensive research and has helped to develop a national genetic database to further the study of this range of disorders. What has be…
There is no known single cause for autism, but it is generally accepted that it is caused by abnormalities in brain structure or function. Brain scans show differences in the shape and structure of the brain in autistic versus non-autistic …
No one really knows for sure, but it is a brain disorder that is present from birth. Some genetic factors may be involved, and chemical changes in the brain may be responsible, too. There has been some speculation that the MMR vaccination h…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which vaccines for infants, toddlers, to prevent childhood illnesses cause autism because of the mercury in it?
Q: I was just curious and wonder which vaccines that are given to babies and infants, to prevent childhood diseases and illnesses cause autism? Will this new vaccine for H1N1 make autism worse? My son has PDD autism NOS on the mild form and it makes me wonder. Could have been before 14 months (the age ADHD was obvious) or close to 2 years old when autism was first suspected. If it was caused from a shot and was preventable that is pretty sad and makes me annoyed.
A: I think it is interesting that autism is on the rise. At first, the professionals said that they were simply diagnosing it, better. Now, they say there is truly a rise in the incidents. Try to think of what has changed in the last 20 years, or so. Research autism, as best, as you can. Read, google, etc. Look up natural treatments, but be careful of those who are out to market books, online. Look in bookstores, rather than online books. Some people have mentioned gluten and wheat products. Some have connected mercury, wheat, and candida. Look it all up, and see what you think. Do an elimination diet.
Can a persons past experiences cause autism?
Q: I was reading about asbergers autism and I didnt quite understand it, suppose a person who had a very lonely childhood with little to no interection with kids their age, and even if they did have any interaction it was usually with kids who were bullies. Could this experience during a developmental phase in their life cause autism?
A: No. A person is born with Autism.
What is the cause of birth defects that resulted in autism and attention deficit?
Q: I know for a fact that birth defects like deafness, blindness, congenital heart and down syndrome are causes of german measles, chicken pox, high fever, asthma or mother conceiving babies in their old age and etc… but what causes autism and attention deficits? can they be acquired or really inborn?
A: Functional defects can affect the nervous system, immune system, reproductive system, endocrine system, or other systems of the body, and may not become apparent for months or years. These may include, for example, mental retardation, autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), some types of blindness and deafness, some immunological problems, and some degenerative disorders. AD/HD is a disorder that makes it hard for children to sit still, control their behavior, and pay attention. It is usually diagnosed before the age of 7, but not always. Doctors aren’t sure what causes AD/HD, but studies support the theory that it is related to an imbalance of certain chemicals in the brain called neurotransmitters.
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