What is the cause of a stress fracture

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Stress fractures are caused by the repetitive application of a greater amount of force than the bones lower normally bear. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-cause-of-a-stress-fracture ]
More Answers to “What is the cause of a stress fracture
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Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can a moderate impact cause a stress fracture?
Q: I got hit in the lower leg twice on one day by a hockey puck, and I wasn’t wearing my hockey pads. My doc wants to send me for a bone scan as he says it could be a stress fracture. Would getting hit by a puck pretty hard twice be enough to cause a stress fracture? I thought those happen when a person all of a sudden increases physical activity.I’m thinking It may be ligament pain. How can you tell bony pain from ligament pain?
A: If you got hit on the front of the lower leg it is most likely a stress fracture as there is not a lot of padding between the tibia and the outside world. The best way to tell if it is a stress fracture or ligament is to do an xray or scan and see if the fracture is on the bone. However, a moderate impact CAN damage a bone and a hockey puck is going pretty fast and so if it slammed into the bone with enough force it could hit and result in a hairline fracture. I would suggest the same thing as your doctor and get an xray.
Walking around with no ACL in left knee cause a stress fracture of my left tibia?
Q: Tore my acl about 2 months ago and am getting surgery in one month.. could walking on it have caused a stress fracture.. from it giving out too much?
A: Yes Yes Yes i walked on my knee with out an acl for years and due to the stress on the bone it became brittle and had to replace it
is it possible for a muscle cramp to cause a stress fracture?
Q: a few years ago, i had a severely painful muscle cramp in my back right calf. about a month after that, i injured my ankle and after x-raying my ankle they discovered a healing stress fracture. i never questioned why i had the stress fracture b/c i was more concerned with my ankle injury. a few days ago i had an extremely painful muscle cramp in my left calf that woke me out of a sleep and it is very painful to straighten my leg out or put weight on it.
A: YesMuscles have the strength to break bones.One of the problems of electric shock can be broken bones as it makes the muscles contract so powerfully.Another horrible one is strychnine poisoning, people can end up with the head pretty much touching their heels – by being backwards – and yep, bones go snappity snap to let that happen.Not good.However a regualr cramp is NOT going to do that – but in theory, a muscle cramping or spasming DOES have the potential to break bones.Mark
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