What is the best way to prevent mosquito bites

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You should wear an insect repellent that contains DEET. Long pants and long-sleeved shirts offer additional protection. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-prevent-mosquito-bites ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to prevent mosquito bites
What is the best way to prevent mosquito bites?
The best is to buy some Off spray and spray on your legs and arms. If you want to use a natural method try spraying garlic juice on your legs and arms this will defenetly repell any bugs.
What are the best ways to treat and prevent mosquito bites??
Mosquito bites are more easily prevented than treated, so try to avoid them. There are many things you can do to keep them at bay. First, take precautions around your home. Make sure there is no standing water near your house, as it is a br…
How to treat a mosquito bite (Best ways)?
・ 1 Clean the bite with soap and water. ・ 2 One of the next things to do is put something cold on the bite. A plastic bag filled with ice chips… ・ 3 Try and avoid scratching the bites. The scratches may become infected by skin bacteria le…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Best way to prevent mosquito bites and then cure them?
Q: Please tell my your ideas and tricks. Homemade formulas and etc for preventing mosquito bites and curing them?
A: B1 (thiamine) 50 mg three times a day. You may think it sounds crazy but it works. My daughter has severe allergic reactions to mosquito bites and so does her grandmother. They both take this dose of thiamine daily. It helps alot. Also “skin so soft” by Avon helps alot too. Good luck.
What is the best way to prevent mosquito bites?
Q: People talk about food (bananas, garlic), vitamin supplements, perfumes, shampoos, deodorants, etc. What really keeps the buggers off you? Is DEET the only way?
A: Citronella. It works. Citronella is used in solid products such as candles, cartridges, and rub-on products. It is used in flea collars for cats and dogs. In studies using laboratory animals, Oil of Citronella shows little or no toxicity. I also found some little bands that you can wear. My granddaughter of three and I wear them when we are gardening outside. Never got bit once. They are spiral bands so they expand. We wear them on our wrist and ankles.
Whats the best way to prevent mosquito bites?
Q: as well as if i already have them how do i get rid of them faster?thanx <3
A: they have to heal on their own. eat foods with garlic and take a multiple vitamin b. it changes the way you smell and the bugs don’t think you taste as good. also try not to wear perfumes outside.
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