What is the best way to cure poison ivy

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To heal poison ivy, it is suggested to use cortizone cream or shot, antihistamines like benadryl, or oral steroids like prednisone [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-way-to-cure-poison-ivy ]
More Answers to “What is the best way to cure poison ivy
What is the best way to cure poison ivy?
You need steroids–either in cream like hydrocortisone (or a prescription) or in pills, like Prednisone. Once the oil has been on your skin for more than 15 minutes (before you’re out of the woods for most people) it sets in motion an aller…
What is the best way to cure poison ivy rashes?
Poison ivy rashes, are a t-cell mediated response. As such, there is no really good way to get them to go away faster. The rash will resolve in due time as long as the oils that cause it are properly washed off (when washing be careful not …
How to cure poison Ivy and poison oak grandmas way.?
Poison ivy and poison oak can leave many people skin very irritable. Living out on the farm we came into contact allot with poison ivy. What I have learned through my grandma is that poison ivy…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what is the best way to cure poison ivy rashes?
Q: i have rashes above my eyes (eyelids) and on my neck
A: Poison ivy rashes, are a t-cell mediated response. As such, there is no really good way to get them to go away faster. The rash will resolve in due time as long as the oils that cause it are properly washed off (when washing be careful not to spread it further). That said, the severity of the rash can be soothed in a number of ways: Cortisone cream, calamine lotion, diphenhydraime (Benadryl) cream, and even a lotion containing an anesthetic (lidocane or benzacane, but these do not last very long). If the rash is very severe or spread over a large area, or you are immunocompromised, seek medical attention. A physician may want to administer oral steroids, (prednisone). You really do not want to go down that path unless you have to as there are some serious side effects to contend with.
what is the best way to cure poison ivy?
Q: i have it already and the leaves arent even on the trees yet this is bullshit
A: You need steroids–either in cream like hydrocortisone (or a prescription) or in pills, like Prednisone.Once the oil has been on your skin for more than 15 minutes (before you’re out of the woods for most people) it sets in motion an allergic chain reaction that can only be stopped by putting the brakes on your immune system–hence the steroids. (FYI these are completely different from the “Barry Bonds” type steroids…)You will break out for about a week or two and then it will take another week for the rash to fade.Calamine lotion and benadryl will help with the itch, but only steroids will stop the problem.
What is the best cure for poison ivy?
Q: I’m super allergic to poison ivy and it got soo bad that I can’t sleep because it itches soo bad! I need a cure and fast! So if you could put remedies or the best medicine to use…ANYTHING! I just need a cure.
A: when was a kid i got poison ivy every summer my mom would use a net scrubie [ like a shower scrubie ] she had a special soap she used to use i forgot the name of it not sure if they still sell it was especially for poison ivy. but the thing is to scrub the blisters open [be careful once u open those blisters the liquid inside them is what spreads it. once u open them up use cotton ball put ivy dry on it that will dry the poisin ivy up and it will go away. it does hurt but thats the quickest way to get rid of it. i feel sorry for u it is miserable stuff to have GOOD LUCK!!!!
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