What is the best thing to drink when you have a cold

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Drink plenty of hot liquids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks, warm gelatin or broth based soups are great for colds. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-thing-to-drink-when-you-have-a-cold ]
More Answers to “What is the best thing to drink when you have a cold
What is the best thing to drink when u have a cold?
You poor dear! You can drink orange juice, water, hot chammomile tea with a little bit of lemon and honey. Or, a home remedy that works for me is lemon juice (natural) with honey, lime will do.
What is the best thing to eat/drink when you have a cold??
I love this one – especially with a fine malt – you don’t need to be poorly to enjoy it! Ingredients For An Adult Hot Toddy Drink A wee dram of whisky 1 teaspoon honey Boiled water 1 slice fresh lemon/lemon squash 1 pinch ground nutmeg (opt…
Is it good to eat or drink cold things when you’re sick??
Cold Fresh squeezed orange juice is the best thing. Other juices are good as well. Even Ginger-ale is good when you have a cold. I will say it’s good for you.

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Q: My nose is running like a water fall. I sneeze every 5 minutes. And worst of all the inside roof of my mouth feels really dry and akey. I really dont have much of a cough but i cant stand the inside roof my my mouth being dry and hurting. Ive tride drinking tea and alot of other stuff. I took cough drops and cold pills. Is there any drink i can have that will sooth the roof of my mouth. PLEASE HELP
A: Try drinking cold drinks instead.
What is the best thing to eat/drink when you have a cold?
Q: I got a cold. *sniff sniff* I haven’t lost my appetite so what is the best foods for me to eat. I don’t eat meat..so besides foods with meat in them what is the best possible things for me to eat. I need alot of vitamins and nutrients right now because I feel like crap. Ideas?
A: I love this one – especially with a fine malt – you don’t need to be poorly to enjoy it! Ingredients For An Adult Hot Toddy DrinkA wee dram of whisky 1 teaspoon honey Boiled water 1 slice fresh lemon/lemon squash 1 pinch ground nutmeg (optional) 1 cinnamon stick (optional) Is great and will cure u Get well soonBaxters soup
whats the best thing to drink when you have a cold?
Q: i have been drinking milk and water most of the day.
A: i agree…get airborn. A lot of people put it in like a full water bottle, which i dont get…but it in like a 6 ounce cup and just swig it down fast. It also doesnt taste as bad if you put it in orange juice. I recommend taking ariborn at the first sign of a cold, twice a day. When you feel the symptoms going away, continue to take it 2 days or so just to be sure. And for while you have your cold, take it and it will reduce the lengths of your cold. Take it 2 to 3 times a day and continue until your cold is completly gone…and then take it like 2 to 3 days after your cold is gone. I have beaten so many colds due to airborn…its amazing
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