What is the best remedy for headaches

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Apply and ice pack, take a warm bath, have someone rub your neck, stay hydrated, and get some rest. Thanks! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-remedy-for-headaches ]
More Answers to “What is the best remedy for headaches
What’s your best remedy for a headache ?
water you might be dehydrated
What Is The Best Remedy For A Migraine Headache?
According to wikipedia.org: Migraine is a painful neurological condition, of which the most common symptom is an intense and disabling episodic headache. Migraine headaches are usually characterized by severe pain on one or both sides… [m…
Why do we have headaches after sleeping and what is the best reme…?
・ 1. Dehydration? ・ 2. Low Blood sugar? ・ 3. High Blood Pressure?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the best homemade remedy for headaches?
Q: I started getting headaches almost everyday now and I don’t like to take Tylenol, Advil, etc. Can you help me with something I can prepare at home?
A: First up pure essential peppermint oil is brilliant for eliminating headaches quickly. Simply put 3 or 4 drops onto a cotton ball and inhale the vapours for approx. 1 minute …. being carefull not to rub it on your skin as it may irritate♥A deficiency in vitamin B12 will produce symptoms such as headaches and migraines, numbness and tingling and prickling sensations in the outer extremities, dizzy spells, fainting and loss of balance, heart palpitations and chest pains,excessive sweating, excessive urination and dry mouth, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and exhaustion, depression, insomnia and constipation, irritability and moodiness and an inability to think clearly ….Quite scary actually if you don’t realise the vitamin factor.As these vitamins all work synergistically (best as a group) if you are deficient in vitamins B1, B2 and B6 your body will not be able to produce niacin (vitamin B3) from tryptophan.Lack of niacin will bring about negative personality changes. It is therefore actually the niacin (vitamin B3) deficiency that will usually cause migraines and headaches. Niacin is necessary for healthy nervous system and brain functions.Other symptoms of vitamin B3 deficiency you may be suffering from are aching bones and muscle weakness, depression, diarrhoea and severe dermatitis.Eat more foods rich in this vitamin ie: fish, lean meat, whole wheat products, liver, wheat germ, eggs, roasted peanuts, the white meat of poultry, dates, avocadoes, figs and prunes.A handfull of steamed chicken usually does the trick for me.If you are lactose intolerant or vegetarian then it is really important that you supplement your diet with a multi B complex tablet on a daily basis.Things that could be robbing you of your precious B complex of vitamins are :- eating too much protein, alcohol, eating too much tinned food, the oral contraceptive, eoestrogen supplementation, antiobiotics (more than likely the meds are producing an awful lot of these symptoms), antidepressants, penicillin, prednisone and aspirin.Also, try to cut back on drinks such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks as they are all B complex thieves…….. as well as being great at dehydrating you.Take a multi B complex tablet including all the B’s ie: B1, B2 B3, B5, B6 and B12 as they work best synergistically (together).The B complex of vitamins is essential for healthy neural, digestive and immune system functioning.The B complex of vitamins is a water soluble complex and as such our bodies can neither store or produce them. Therefore we need to ingest them on a daily basis or suffer the consequences as you unfortunately are……… When you take your daily supplement ensure that you take it with some type of calcium rich food or a calcium supplement that contains vitamin D3 as B12 needs calcium to be properly assimilated by the body. Quite a handfull of information here …….. sorry it’s a bit long winded but you need to know all this.When our bodies are placed under added stress such as sickness, relationship dramas, new job, school studies or just daily life really, the B complex of vitamins are usually the first group to get used up and we therefore need to adjust our intake accordingly.When you are getting any stress related symptoms or any of the above mentioned symptoms simply take another B tablet. As they are water soluble our bodies will simply excrete any excess in our urine.Drink loads of fresh filtered water too as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one.I sincerely wish you the best of health & vitality buddy♥CHEERS♥
Why do we have headaches after sleeping and what is the best remedy for it?
Q: I usually have headaches when I wake up. What’s up with that? Even if I sleep at a regular basis. And what’s the best remedy for it?Sorry for being a bit vague. I don’t drink. :DI also get headaches when I sleep for a very long time.
A: 1. Dehydration?2. Low Blood sugar?3. High Blood Pressure?The information you gave is a bit “vague”If the headaches happen every morning you wake up with no external forces (drinking, large amounts of caffeine before bed), I would suggest talking to a doctor.
What are the best remedy’s for migraine headaches?
A: http://fioricetdrug.com/fioricet.php .Fioricet is the best thing in the world for a migraine headache. I tried everything out there and nothing helped like Fioricet. FioricetDrug.com has a lot more Great info on Fioricet. Fioricet Drug is a barbiturate sedative mixed with a non-aspirin pain medication and caffeine. Fioricet non-narcotic pain medication and relaxant is often prescribed for tension headaches caused by contractions of the muscles in the neck and shoulder area, and migraine. I hope this helps Dear!
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