What is the best cure of Hiccups

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is the best cure of Hiccups”,you can compare them.

The best way to cure hiccups is drink warm water for about 30 seconds to a minute. Drink it slowly and make sure it’s warm. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-the-best-cure-of-hiccups ]
More Answers to “What is the best cure of Hiccups
Inhale till you lungs are full of air and then hold on for a few sec. Actually when we just inhale, only 20% of our lungs are filled. This remedy works because a hicupp is nothing but the disturbance in the rythmic pattern of breathing, cau…
Breathe filling up as much of your lungs as possible, starting in your diaphragm (if you were ever in chorus or in band you know what I am talking about), and hold it for a few seconds. Continue to breathe in this way, but without holding i…
Breathe into a paper bag. This is supposed to increase the carbon dioxide level that you are breathing, which makes the medulla oblongata alter the depth of breathing. (Or that’s what they say in first aid!) Amazingly, this is the only way …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What’s the best way to cure hiccups?
Q: I have hiccups every now and again. I’ve always tried holding my breath and counting from 10 to 1. Has anyone else got any tips on how to cure hiccups??
A: Hiccups are caused due to irritation of the diaphragm. It is a commonly seen problem in people with diabetes, those who smoke, drink liquor, eat hurriedly or eat spicy foods.You may lay your worries to rest, for here are some remedies for hiccups, which will be handy at any time -* Take a small empty plastic bag. Seal it’s mouth around your mouth and nose with your hands. Now breathe in and out into this bag. Your hiccup will disappear by the time you gasp for more oxygen!Other remedies are -* Take one tablespoonful of sugar and swallow it slowly* Eat small pieces of ginger* Close your ears with both your fingers and drink water directly or by means of a straw* * Laugh/ speak louderBut I’m sure you would prefer not to have this problem again. so avoid highly spiced and oily junk food and stick to a well balanced diet.
Does anyone know the best way to cure hiccups?
Q: i have had hiccups for the past 2 hours, and i need a cure!! ive tried water & holding my breathe.uhh the sugar didnt work.. i swallowed it slow..theese arent working guys. ahh my heart hurts. thank for trying to help though
A: i inhale a bunch of oxygen without letting carbon dioxide escape. so sort of hyperventilate for a few seconds. you have hiccups because the oxygen and carbon dioxide levels are not equal. it always works for me.
What is the best way to cure the Hiccups?
Q: What is the best way to cure the hiccups?my friends told me to lookstraight up at the sky andscream “PEACHESSSSS!”but,ofcouese, that didn’t work.so what’s the most effective way?thanks!& how long is the longest you’ve had hiccups?
A: A mouth full of sugar works, I don’t know why.I don’t know the longest I’ve had the hiccups, but it always seems like FOREVER waiting for them to go away.
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