What is tetanus and what are the symptoms

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is tetanus and what are the symptoms”,you can compare them.

Yes, tetanus is an infection which is caused by bacteria. It affects the brain and nervous system causing spasms and convulsions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-tetanus-and-what-are-the-symptoms ]
More Answers to “What is tetanus and what are the symptoms
What are the symptoms of tetanus?
The following are the most common symptoms of tetanus. However, each individual may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: stiffness of jaw (also called lockjaw) stiffness of abdominal and back muscles contraction of facial …
Can the symptoms of tetanus (c. tetani) be reduced? If so how??
Tomejuan, One wonders if you have more questions regarding tetanus. This is your third question. Symptoms may be reduced by treatment. I add a link with details of this subject http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/ t/tetanus/treatments.htm Hope th…
How do you cure tetanus once symptoms begin to manifest??
Seven days after a deep rusty nail, I’ve been experiencing a high pulse, sleeplessness and twinges in my muscles. This morning I woke up and my left calf muscle locked up for a short moment until I stretched (the nail had pierced my left fo…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

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What are the symptoms of a tetanus shot?
Q: I got one 2 days ago and I feel horrible. Could this be why?
A: Yes, they can also cause swollen lymph nodes in your neck or axilla. The tetanus shot is not the actual tetanus pathogen as people who don’t know have said, it is actually a toxoid that is similar to the tetanus toxin, so the immune system reacts to make antibodies against it. All the chemical signals the white blood cells send to each other can cause the general malaise that you are feeling. Its explained here http://www.vaccineinformation.org/tetanus/qandavax.asp
i got a tetanus booster and a meningitis s hot, are these post shot symptoms normal?
Q: so, on wednesday i got a tetanus booster shot and a meningitis shot. the day i got them i hardly felt anything, but the day after i had a fever of 100.5. then i started to shiver uncontrollably and i had a severe headache. is it normal to have these symptoms, and how long do they last?
A: they are extremely normal. I got both of those last month along with the gardasil shot [[which sucks by the way]], and i had the same effect. it will only last about 5 days. nothing to worry about really, it gets progressivly better.
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