What is swin flu

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Swin flu is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza that regularly cause outbreaks of influenza among pigs. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-swin-flu ]
More Answers to “What is swin flu
Swine influenza (also swine flu) refers to influenza caused by any strain of the influenza virus endemic in pigs (swine). Strains endemic in swine are called swine influenza virus (SIV).Swine flu is common in swine and rare in humans. Peopl…
Swine influenza (also swine flu) refers to influenza caused by any strain of the influenza virus endemic in pigs (swine). Strains endemic in swine are called swine influenza virus (SIV). Swine flu is common in swine and rare in humans. Peop…
Swine influenza (also called swine flu, hog flu, and pig flu) is an infection by any one of several types of swine influenza virus. Swine influenza virus (SIV) is any strain of the influenza family of viruses that is endemic in pigs.[2] As …

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what happens if the swin flu virus travels to africa?
Q: Could the swin flu travel to africa? And if it does what will happen? Is there any saftey set ups?0-o well no one cares about you! So nah!!
A: how could you say that calf they are people too if the disease got to africa it would spread quickly because most countries in africa are poor and cannot afford medicine it will quickly spread and kill many just like HIV there today
Why do people are afraid of mexicans just because of swin flu?
Q: now there is another idea for discrimination to mexican people for the swin flue.. in many countries I have heard that.. it makes me feel sad as a mexican.. just because this illness started here..or maybe in the US.
A: People who discriminate or are mean to Mexican people because of the swine flu are stupid in my view. People would not like it if it started in their country and were made fun of or shunned by others because of it.
what if you get swin flu and it two late do you dies straight away ?
Q: what can we stop this bying passing it to everyone ?? is there a solution we can do to help people ?
A: Troll.
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