What is Stevens Johnson syndrome

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Often, Stevens-Johnson syndrome begins with several days of flu-like symptoms, followed by inflammation of your mucous MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-stevens-johnson-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is Stevens Johnson syndrome
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome is an illness which causes severe swelling and destruction of the skin and mucous membranes.
Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) is a rare and serious condition of your skin and mucous membranes. Mucous membranes include the lining of your mouth, bowels, eyes, and nose. With SJS, you will lose your epidermis (outer layer of skin). Skin …
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: A rare but serious condition involving inflammation and blistering of the skin and mucous membranes. It is believed to be an allergic reaction that can occur in response to some drugs or infectious diseases. Steven…

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a doctor recently gave me a possible diagnosis of Stevens Johnson syndrome?
Q: I have subsequently stopped taking Duloxetine for 4 weeks now , yet persistant symptoms skin lesions started that looked like larva migrans, then turned vericula and some very painful with creeping feeling under my skin and also stomach cramps dihorrea, also low hb and iron , previously had to have a transfusion, had a gastroscopy but no colonoscopy, stool samples have returned normal results.
A: I’m afraid I don’t know a whole lot about your condition, but it sounds serious and it is sad to hear esp. at this time of year. Happy Holidays!!! If possible that is.
What is the treatment for Stevens Johnson Syndrome?
Q: i never got anything from my doctors i know they were suppoused to i could have died.
A: Please see the webpages for more details on Erythema multiforme ((Stevens-Johnson syndrome).
What is the com on cause of Stevens-Johnson syndrome all over the World?
Q: Can it kill? Can it cause permanent damage? Is it mainly occupational? Can I be get it through infection? Does a certain race predisposed to develop this condition? What races would it be more common? Who are Drs. DStevens and Johnsons? Thank
A: its caused by an allergic reaction to antibioticsyes it can be fatalnot spread thru infectionunsure if certain races are predisposeddon’t know who the doctors are
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