What is sorosis

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Cirrhosis is a complication of many liver diseases that is characterized by abnormal structure and function of the liver. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-sorosis ]
More Answers to “What is sorosis
Will sorosis of the liver heal?
Cirrhosis is when the liver is so scarred, it can’t function properly anymore. It doesn’t heal or regenerate . Some people can live years with cirrhosis, but most progress to decompensating cirrhosis, which means the liver is failing and th…
What is sorosis of the liver and kidney?
The correct spelling is Cirrhosis, and it is known as a Toxic Liver/Kidney disease. Cirrhosis of the liver is a consequence of chronic liver disease characterized by replacement of liver tissue by fibrotic scar tissue as well as regenerativ…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is a good diet for a 63 year old man with sorosis?
Q: my father has advanced sorosis. i am in iraq and cant be there to help him .im wondering what he can do to get rid of it if any , like starting to eat right and exercise . please if you can help write me back
A: The most important thing your father can do in his diet is to avoid anything that may further harm his liver such as alcohol. If he as ascites(a build of of water in his belly) he may need to go on fluid and salt restriction. If he is having mental deterioration due to his liver he may need to go on a protein restricted diet. Again though most important is to not further hurt the liver. No alcohol whatsoever.
What is sorosis of the liver and kidney?
Q: And what are the chances of survival?
A: Its actually called Cirrhosis. It is a chronic degenerative disease in which normal liver cells are damaged and are then replaced by scar tissue. Cirrhosis changes the structure of the organ and the blood vessels that nourish it. The disease reduces the liver’s ability to manufacture proteins and process hormones, nutrients, medications, and poisons.Cirrhosis gets worse over time and can become potentially life threatening. Cirrhosis-related liver damage cannot be reversed, but further damage can be prevented. So in term of survival, one can live with the disease but to live the longest with it one must follow the proper methods to reduce further complications and scarring
ihave arthritis of the joints also spondylosis also ostio sorosis what would my prognoses be?
Q: will i be able to get ssi disability
A: There is no such disease as ostio sorosis. I assume you mean Osteoporosis.It is hard to say if you will be able to get SSDI. It depends on how bad these conditions are. To get SSDI your health has to prevent you from being able to do almost any job. There are definitely people with this combination who get disability. Rustyhttp://arthritis-symptom.com/a-c/cervical-spondylosis.htm
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