What is skitzofrenia

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Schizophrenia is a mental illness that strikes in late childhood. Symptoms include delusions, hallucinations, and bizarre behavior [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-skitzofrenia ]
More Answers to “What is skitzofrenia
What is Schizophrenia?
The public misconception of a schizophrenia sufferer as having a “split personality” has been pushed by Hollywood and novelists alike. Sufferers of this serious mental illness do not possess dual personalities, but the unfortunate…
Who gets schizophrenia?
Schizophrenia affects one person in a 100 at some time in his/her life. It affects people from all cultures and can start at any age, but most commonly begins in late teenage years or the early 20s. It is equally common in men and women.
Can skitzofrenia be caused by self harm?
No. I don’t think they’ve found the exact mechanism that causes schizophrenia, but it does seem to be genetic in nature. However, schizophrenia could cause self-harm by creating delusions where the sufferer believed that self-harm was neces…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can skitzofrenia be caused by self harm?
Q: well can it?
A: No. I don’t think they’ve found the exact mechanism that causes schizophrenia, but it does seem to be genetic in nature. However, schizophrenia could cause self-harm by creating delusions where the sufferer believed that self-harm was necessary to accomplish something that the delusion led that person to think was necessary.
What is skitzofrenia?
Q: Is it fear?Is it the same for everyone thats skitzofrenic.Im interested in a point of view from somone who has it.
A: Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain, it is genetic, which means it runs in families. It usually presents itself in early adulthood 20-35 years of age. It is characterized by visual and auditory hallucinations. It is usually treated and managed with anti-psychotic medications. Normally if a person with schizophrenia is managed with meds you cannot tell they have the disease.
skitzofrenia or just psycosis?
Q: last september i threatened to kill anybody who came near me, and i was sent to a & e, there i saw writing all over the walls that wasnt there, i saw people one minute and they wouldnt be there the next, i imagined a normal looking man looked really really disturbing, i heard my voice on tv, i heard voices on the radio telling me i was abused as a child by my dad (which never happened), i thought the nurses who sedated me had raped me, and i thought everybody else in the hospital were actors, not really mental patients, im now zuclopenthixol 10mg 3x daily, so do i have skitzofrenia or just psycosis because all my psyciarist said was a ‘psycotic illness’, she didnt explain futheri also saw a glass of orange juice turn to brown stodge before my eyes
A: Schizophrenia is psychosis…
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