What is scurvy caused from

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Scurvy is a condition caused by a lack of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in the diet. Keep the questions coming and ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-scurvy-caused-from ]
More Answers to “What is scurvy caused from
What causes Scurvy?
This deficiency’s primary cause is a diet lacking in vitamin C-rich foods, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, cabbage, broccoli, spinach, and berries. Because the body can’t store this water-soluble vitamin in large amounts, the supply needs …
How Is Scurvy Caused And What Does It Do?
Daddys, Scurvy is a disease caused by lack of Vitamin C. It mostly affects the mouth- loss of teeth, bad gums, bleeding…but it can affect other parts of the body. It used to happen all the time on ships, but one captain, named Captain Coo…
What protein mutation causes scurvy?
Its caused by vitamin C deficiency, not a protein mutation.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is the cause of Scurvy and who suffered from it most?
Q: Seaman were particullarly prone to this disease, why?
A: Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin c, from fresh fruits and vegetables. Seamen were particularly prone to the disease because they had very little, if any, fresh fruit or vegetables on voyages.
What protein mutation causes scurvy?
Q: Looking for the mutated protein that is the main cause of scurvy.
A: Its caused by vitamin C deficiency, not a protein mutation.
Nansen and Johansen lived on polar bear and walrus for nine months. Why didn’t they suffer from scurvy?
Q: These two Norwegian explorers tried to find the North Pole in 1895, but got lost in the Arctic! They were trapped in freezing temperatures for nine months in the winter of 1895-6. After their rations ran out, they built a makeshift hut and survived by hunting walruses and polar bears. When they were found (entirely by chance!) they were quite healthy. So why didn’t they fall victim to scurvy, caused by lack of Vitamin C?Thanks! Really interesting and informative answers!Surely that makes this an interesting question, eh…?
A: Like the Eskimos, they ate the entire animal and not just the muscle tissue. Around 1910 the American anthropologist Vilhjalmur Stefansson came back from lengthy studies of the Eskimos and made the then-startling claim that they ate a 100% meat diet. To show that this was possible, he spent the next full year on a lecture tour during which he ate nothing but animal products, and stayed quite healthy. He published an account of this, which you can probably find on the Internet.
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