What is rabies

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Rabies: an acute virus disease of the nervous system of mammals that is caused by a rhabdovirus usually transmitted MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-rabies ]
More Answers to “What is rabies
Rabies is a disease caused by the rabies virus. It may take several weeks or even a few years for people to show symptoms after getting infected with rabies, but usually people start to show signs of the disease 1 to 3 months after the viru…
Rabies is a viral infection of certain warm-blooded animals and is caused by a virus in the Rhabdoviridae family. It attacks the nervous system and, once symptoms develop, it is 100 percent fatal in animals, if left untreated. In North Amer…
Rabies is a disease caused by a virus that affects the nerve tissue of all warm-blooded animals, including humans. Rabies is transmitted in the saliva of a rabid animal and causes death by paralysis. Biting is the most common route of trans…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: How long does a rabies vac. last on a dog?
A: The rabies needs 3 series (one year apart) for it to have a complete protective effect. After that, then (federally legally speaking) is good for 3 years. Research has shown that the immunity is unchanged after 7 years. So the immunity will last minimum 7 yrs. However, if your dog is bitten by an unknown animal, or bites you or someone, he will have to be quarantined and possibly euthanised for rabies testing, as by law he will be treated as an unvaccinated dog after 3 yrs.
How long can rabies live in a dead animal?
Q: Lets say for example a bat had rabies and it died, how long would it take for the Rabies virus to die out?
A: How long will the rabies virus remain alive in the body of a dead animal?The length of time that rabies remains alive in a dead animal depends primarily on the outside temperature. The virus could die within a few hours in warm weather and could stay alive for months in freezing temperatures.
What stage of rabies is attributed to aggression?
Q: I’m doing a project on Rabies in dogs, and it seems like an infection that brings on effects in different stages- right? If so, what stage is attributed to aggression, and when does that subside?
A: Since rabies effects the brain, stage two is were the virus causes the personality changes in the dog. social, and affectionate dogs become irritable and aggressive, shy dogs can become more anxious and possibly overly affectionate.With the two stages of encephalitis, the furious form, and the paralytic form can be seen in the dog. With the furious form, the dog can have spasms in the face, drawing the lips back , exposing the teeth. the dog will become frenzied and attacking anything that moves. They show no fear and will attack anything around them.The paralytic form, causes the muscles of the jaw and throat to become paralyzed, causing the mouth to drop open, and the tongue to hang out. The dog is unable to swallow, causing them to drool, cough and gag.The final stage is where the dog loses body movement, staggers around, then collapses.Hope this helps!
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