What is polycythemia

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Polycythemai is a condition marked by an abnormally large number of red blood cells in the circulatory system. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-polycythemia ]
More Answers to “What is polycythemia
Polycythemia is a condition in which there are too many red blood cells in the blood circulation. It is the opposite of anemia, which results from too few red blood cells in the blood circulation. Polycythemia is also called plethora.
Polycythemia (or polycythaemia or erythrocytosis) is a condition in which there is a net increase in the total number of blood cells, primarily red blood cells, in the body. The overproduction of red blood cells may be due to a primary proc…
Polycythemia is a condition that results in an increased level of circulating red blood cells in the bloodstream. People with polycythemia have an increase in hematocrit hemoglobin , or red blood cell count above the normal limits. Polycyth…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: My father has just been diagnosed with polycythemia. Is anyone familiar with this disease? If so, what are the treatments and prognoses? Thanks.
A: Polycythemia vera is an abnormal increase in blood cells (primarily red blood cells) resulting from excess production by the bone marrow.The objective of treatment is to reduce the high blood viscosity (thickness of the blood) due to the increased red blood cell mass and to prevent hemorrhage and thrombosis.Phlebotomy is one method used to reduce the high blood viscosity. In phlebotomy, 1 unit (pint) of blood is removed weekly until the hematocrit is less than 45, then phlebotomy is continued as necessary.Occasionally, chemotherapy may be given to suppress the bone marrow. Other agents such as interferon may be given to lower blood counts. Anegrelide may be given to lower platelet counts.The use of anti-platelet therapy (such as aspirin) is controversial because it may cause stomach bleeding.Allopurinol is given for hyperuricemia (gout).Polycythemia vera usually develops slowly, and most patients treated appropriately do not experience any problems related to the disease. More details will be found on this site-http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000589.htm#DefinitionAll the best wishes for your father!
What is the life expectancy of a 21 year old diagnosed with polycythemia vera?
Q: My brother is 21 and due to a blood test where his hemoglobin, calcium, and red blood count was high he went to see a hemotologist and was diagnosed with polycythemia vera. This is a very rare blood condition and usually only effects men aged 50 and older. I know that with proper treatment a survival rate of 10-15 years is expected but that is based on the median age of 60, what would my brothers be since he is so young?
A: Don’t linger too much on “survival rate” quotes. Some people see these automatically as a no hope situation. With the newer treatments people are living longer with PV. The treatment is not the same from patient to patient and is adjusted depending on how well the patient is responding. The goal is to improve quality of life and this leads to a longer life.
Can a person have secondary polycythemia at age 21?
Q: I moved up to a high altitude of 9000ft, and have been experiencing symptoms of polycythemia (opposite of anemia), even after a year later when I moved back to sea level, then went back up to denver which is roughly 5000ft. (symptoms are rash in bath, blood count above 15 etc )Anyway is it possible for someone my age to have it? Also as it’s secondary, is it treatable? Or life long term like primary?I’m off to the doctor first thing tomorrow, but any answers would be appreciated.
A: Lxxiodan answer your some question but not address all your question.If you have secondary polycythemia and not due to chronic disease we call physiology polycythemia and the prognosis is very good completely should not compare to polycythemia vera.Many athletic train in high altitude just want to take this advantage and this condition usually no need to get treatment once you return normal altitude slowly your red cell count to return to normal.polycythemia vera(primary) we consider it as blood malignant disease and eventally to end up to sever anemia.
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