What is pneumothorax

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Pneumothorax may result from chest trauma, excess pressure on the lungs, or a lung disease. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-pneumothorax ]
More Answers to “What is pneumothorax
A pnemothorax is basically when to much pressure or tension is put on the lung and it collapses. To fix the problem doctors will usually put in a chest tube attatched to a suction machine, this will help reinflate the lung.
What is a pneumothorax?A collapsed lung (pneumothorax) results from a buildup of air in the space between the lung and the chest wall (pleural space).
Pneumothorax is a lung disorder in which air in the lungs leaks out through holes in the lung tissue into the spaces outside the lung airways. Pneumothorax is one type of lung disorders called air leak syndrome. A baby can have more than on…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: How does the broken of pleural membrane’s broken related to Pneumothorax, could anyone plz tell me.
A: lhee0726 gb answer in medical language is correct. think of a balloon with two walls. the outside wall is the chest muscle wall, the inside wall is the lung lining wall. between the two walls exists a thin film of fluid. there should be no air in between these two walls. this is called the pleural space but it has no real space only a thin film of liquid.on a single walled balloon if you break the wall it pops, puff balloon gone. on a double walled balloon if you break either the inside or the outside wall the balloon still stays inflated but now air is where it shouldnt be, the pleural space.if the outside wall is broken and air is allowed to pass directly through the chest wall (say a bullet wound) then air accumulates in the fluid space, this builds up causing tension against the lung and the chest. breathing gets difficult etc. etc. this is serious. if the inside wall is broken, spontaneous pneumothorax, thenair breathed into the lungs passes through this hole into the pleural space. this is not usually as serious and often the body heals itself from this condition, but generally should be followed and treated by a doctor.thats the simple explanation, the medical explanation given by ihee is pretty accurate
How long should i wait before playing sports after being in the hospital for 2 weeks for Pneumothorax?
Q: I had a pneumothorax and had to go the hospital and had surgery (I also had a chest tube). Its been 2 weeks since ive been released and 3 weeks since i’ve had my surgery. How long should I wait before playing sports again?
A: I had surgery for pneumothorax 4 weeks ago. The doc said I could resume activities except for lifting heavy things.I have been doing light activities like walking on the treadmill, and playing catch and playing in the batting cages.I’m still getting winded easily though, so I won’t resume full sports activity until I feel up to it.I say go for it if your doc clears you, but definitely pay attention to how you are feeling!
Does holding my sneeze give me a higher risk of having spontaneous pneumothorax?
Q: I have a habit of holding my sneeze and currently have a repeated history of having pneumothorax. The doctor told me that my right lung has developed a few bullae (bubbles) that could be the reason for me to have pneumothorax frequent. He (doctor) further explains that our lungs are made of elastic tissue. I came to that assumption (the question) because i believe the pressure build up in my chest that isn’t released (because i hold my sneeze) could have caused the formation of those bullaes. According to my doctors, my left lung is normal. The biggest bullae found on my right lung is 7mm. I’m trying to fix my habit now.
A: Blebs and bullae can break when pressure within the lungs becomes severe. They could break because of extra pressure from diving. Holding sneezes is just not a good idea in the first place. It may also harm your ear drums. If you need to sneeze, let it go in a direction where people and food are not. Lots of people have blebs or bullae and don’t know about it. You do, so please take care of yourself. They should be stable as long as you don’t strain your lungs with extreme pressure. For example, this would be: violent coughing, holding your sneezes, diving, and flying in unpressurized aircraft above 10,000 ft. Sometime people who are tall and skinny have a tendency to get spontaneous pneumothoracies. If you are like 6ft and 140 lbs, then you might be a candidate for this. It’s just something that happens for that population.
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