What is phantom limb sensation

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Phantom limb sensation is when an amputee continues to have an awareness of the missing limb and to experience sensations from it. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-phantom-limb-sensation ]
More Answers to “What is phantom limb sensation
What is the phantom limb sensation?
Phantom Limb. Phantom limb syndrome can be subdivided into phantom limb sensation and phantom limb pain. In research studies, allowing individuals to see a reflection of the normal, intact limb moving in the position of the amputated limb h…
What is phantom sensation and phantom pain and how do they differ…?
Amputees may experience different types of strange limb sensations after the amputation, some painful and others not painful. The two painful conditions are referred to as phantom limb pain and residual limb pain. The sensation that is not …

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A Question About Missing Limb- Phantom Limb Sensation…?
Q: My 80 year old mother (due to cancer) Had her leg removed, and is complainling about having : Phantom pain causing discomfort. Described as a burning or similarly strange sensation and can be extremely agonizing; Also cold & and tingling. What can we do to help her, or is there anything she can do to make herself better. Thank you for any kind of a answer on this mater.
A: Phantom pain can be as bad or worse than pain from an existing limb as it is more difficult to treat with the leg missing. Yes, there are things you can do to help her with the pain. One is wrapping the stump properly. A tight bandage seems to relieve some of the pain. Avoid any sudden temperature changes. When you remove the stump bandage or stump shrinker make sure there isn’t any cold draft and that your hands are warm. The nerves are highly agitated and overtransmit sensations – hence the phantom pain. She needs to be on pain medication around the clock. NO SHE WILL NOT GET ADDICTED. Addiction only happens when someone takes medication for which they have no need – not when they are taking them for real pain – and phantom limb pain IS real painPhantom limb pain is not the same as phantom sensation. Phantom limb pain is a very unpleasant sensory experience. The amputee feels a hot, burning or shooting pain from the site of the amputation. It can feels achy, squeezy or tight. the research showst the phantom pain is the result of abnormal sensory processing inside the nervous system. About 2/3 of all amputees will experience phantom pain at some point. Luckily most of the patients say the sensations fade as the limb heals – but it takes a long time since bone is involved and the covering of the bone is rich with nerve endings. Only a very small percentage have long term phantom pain. Why some have worse pain than others seems to be related to how much pain the leg had before the amputation. Elderly patients with peripheral vascular disease often are in excruciating pain before surgery that is not relieved by oral meds or injections. Surgeons who have experience with this problem will aggressively treat the pain prior to the amputation – even to the point of performing an epidural block and numbing the limb for a period of time prior to surgery – this way the brain will remember little or no pain having existed prior to the amputation. Now, what can be done for mom now? One of the best and safest treatments is biofeedback. Because of her age, powerful drugs need to be used judiciously as they can impair breathing and lead to pneumonia. Biofeedback works in up to 80% of the patients with phantom pain. Wearing a very tight stump sock helps. Also, a TENS unit that emits a low level electric stimulation interrupts the pain signal and calms the effect. Some surgeons will perform a nerve block to relieve the pain – and this is very effective as well – but is used only when other treatments fail. there is a terrific website for persons with phantom limb pain:Good luck. I will offer prayers for her quick recovery.http://www.disaboom.com/Health/amputationsadult/adult-amputee-phantom-limb-pain-and-phantom-sensation.aspx?utm_source=google&utm_medium=CPC&utm_content=phantom-limb&utm_campaign=amputation_search_google
Peace071 – What is this Phantom Limb Syndrome that amputees experience?
Q: From Wikipedia, “A phantom limb is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts. Approximately 50 to 80% of amputees experience these phantom sensations in their amputated limb, and the majority of these people report that the sensations are painful. Phantom sensations and phantom pain, a type of referred pain, may also occur after the removal of body parts other than the limbs, e.g. after amputation of the breast, extraction of a tooth (phantom tooth pain) or removal of an eye (phantom eye syndrome).”How come that someone with an artificial limb able to coordinate his movements as if his amputated limb were still there, e.g. walking?If you are an amputee or know someone who is an amputee, could you please tell us your experiences and what you think about it.Is this a proof that a soul resides in our physical body and that the physical body is not all there is?I think the Phantom Limb Syndrome is not an off-topic question at R&S. I raised the question because of the possibility of a soul that is shaped like the whole body that exists even if a limb is amputated. So even though there is amputation, or the person is killed by beheading, or is cremated, the soul remains as a whole. This soul will live forever which on Judgment Day will receive its sentence from its Creator, God, whether it will go to Heaven or to Hell.Through Kirlian Photography, this “aura” or “energy body” which I think is the soul can be photographed as complete even though the physical body has been destroyed or severed or amputated.It seems that most, if not all, of the answerers do not believe in the existence of a soul. They may believe that the nerve ends where amputation occurs but there exists communication still between the brain and the limb, that is why there is this Phantom Limb Syndrome that is experienced.
A: If you look up Corillian photography, you’ll see that they show evidence of the electromagnetic fields throughout our bodies, we measure them with EEGs and EKGs, and this is part of what causes the phantom pain syndrome. The rest is like the two answerer’s above me.
What’s the song ‘Phantom Limb’, by The Shins about?
Q: If you can’t think of what song that is, here’s a link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkITsv3Nk6MThe lyrics are (to the best of my knowledge):Foals in winter coats,White girls of the North,File past one, five and oneThey are the fabled lambs,Of Sunday ham,The EHS norm.And they could float above the grass,In circles if they tried,A latent power I know they hide,To keep some hope alive,That a girl like I could ever try,Could ever try.So we just skirt the hallway sides,A phantom and a fly,Follow the lines and wonder whyThere’s no connection.And week of rolling eyes,And cheap shots from the trite,And we’re off to Nemarca’s porch again,Another afternoon with the goat head tunes,And pilfered booze.We wandered through her mama’s house,And milk from the window lightsFamily portrait circa ninety-five,This is that foreign land,With the sprayed on tans,And it all feels fine,Be it silk or slime,So, when they tap our Monday heads,To zombie-walk in our stead,This town seems hardly worth our time,And we’ll no longer memorize or rhyme,Too far along in our climb,Stepping over what now towers to the sky,With no connection.Oooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooSo, when they tap our Sunday heads,To zombie-walk in our stead,This town seems hardly worth our time,And we’ll no longer memorize or rhyme,Too far along in our crime,Stepping over what now towers to the sky,With no connection.Oooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waoooooooOooh waooooooo waooooooo (repeat to fade)If you’re hearing anything different, then feel free to correct me. But, back to my question. What is this song about? Someone told me it’s about a girl who’s a Female to Male transsexual- hence the term ‘phantom limb’, for the sensation one’s brain gives them, even when one of their limbs is missing (in this case, it’s her ‘third arm’, if you know what I mean). But I’m not sure about that. What do you think?
A: Apparently it’s about a lesbian couple living in small town America!”Songwriter and lead singer James Mercer described it as “a hypothetical, fictional account of a young, lesbian couple in high school dealing with the sh*tty [sic] small town they live in.””Perhaps the title refers to the two girls wanting to be together but being unable and so when they’re apart they have the sensation of being together? Each is the other’s phantom limb?I don’t know!
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