What is parietal lobe

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The parietal lobes can be divided into two functional regions. One involves sensation and perception and the other ( More ) ChaCha [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-parietal-lobe ]
More Answers to “What is parietal lobe
What is the parietal lobe?
It’s the lobe situated above the occipital lobe, and to put it basically, it controls your co-ordination and spacial awareness which helps with navigation, and I would imagine things like catching and perception.
Where is the parietal lobe located
The parietal lobe is located in front of the frontal lobe in the brain
Is the posterior parietal lobe involved in working memory retriev…?
Neuroimaging evidence suggests that the parietal lobe has an important role in memory retrieval, yet neuropsychology is largely silent on this topic. Recently, we reported that unilateral parietal lobe damage impairs various forms of visual…

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can anyone explain why we have frontal lobe and parietal lobe in our brain?
Q: what is the function of it when we have a frontal and parietal? what is the frontal lobe function and what is parietal lobe function can anyone clear it to me please.
A: Frontal lobes help keep us in check. If we didn’t have one, or they were impaired, we’d make very rash decisions and do things with no remorse, empathy, or understanding as to right or wrong
is it normal to have dents and soft parts on your head (around the parietal lobe area)?
Q: i know that he parietal lobe area is meant to be flatter than the rest of the head but mine literally goes down there and it is softer than the rest of my head. Does this mean it is more vulnerable to brain damage?and it isn’t possible that my head might not have grown together and i haven’t known about it yet is it?
A: Yes, the head has a few dents and soft parts.The dents in the skull bone are called sutures – this is where individual skull bones join. Where the two parietal bones join with the frontal bone(s) is called the coronal suture – normally you can feel a ridge running horizontally at the top of the head.Now on the sides of the head (above and in front of the ears) are some soft bits. These are muscles. The biggest is called temporalis, and closes the jaw. Clench your jaw and you will feel this soft bit harden.Very occasionally, adults will have a persisting fontanelle. The fontanelles are areas where there are gaps between the skull bones in babies – there is literally no bone there. The bones are usually all joined up by 18 months, but occasionally not.
What depression separates the temporal lobe from the parietal lobe?
A: I believe that is the lateral sulcus that divides the temporal and parietal lobe.
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