What is paranoid schizophrenic

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People with paranoid schizophrenia hold untrue beliefs (delusions) or hear things others don’t hear (auditory hallucinations). [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-paranoid-schizophrenic ]
More Answers to “What is paranoid schizophrenic
What is a Paranoid Schizophrenic?
Paranoid schizophrenia is a subtype of several forms of schizophrenia. Although, according to the Mayo Clinic, paranoid schizophrenics may be more functional than other types, it is nevertheless a…
What is schizophrenic?
hear or see something that’s not there you hear voices in your head Thus, schizophrenia is the disease described above, A schizophrenic is an individual who suffers from that disease. For the source and more detailed information concerning …
Am I paranoid schizophrenic?
Nothing you’ve said indicates any type of schizophrenia. It also sounds nothing like Munchausen Syndrome, despite Unholy Thoughts saying it is “most likely”. It sounds like you are just overly anxious, hypochondria is also fairly …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What issues might a man whose mother was a paranoid schizophrenic have?
Q: My husand demonstrates a lot of paranoid behavior. His mother was a schizophrenic paranoid but my husband is definitely not schizophrenic. So, my question is could his mother’s issues be handed down and maniast themselves differently?
A: Yes…trusting people seems to be an issue of children who had paranoid/SX parents; dealing with problems illogically, or coldly….SX has a genetic component, usually skipping a generation, so even though he does not manifest the SX diagnosis he has learned how to deal with one, out of survival. (psychologist)
How do I help someone who thinks he is a paranoid schizophrenic?
Q: One of my friends thinks he is a paranoid schizophrenic. Yet he is also very talented. How can this be so? And how can I help him?
A: 1) paranoid schizophrenia is not incompatible with being very intelligent and talented. It is simply an illness, which happens to be a mental illness, not a physical one.2) you can help him by persuading him to seek medical help, and by giving him your continued support as a friend, so showing him that no one is going to think worse of him for facing up to his problem and seeking help. Lots of people think that others will think worse of them if they are diagnosed as mentally ill. We need to help our friends by letting them know that we still love care and respect them as we did before.3) He should start by seeing his GP, who will refer him to a psychiatrist if he needs one. (UK only)
What is a schizophrenic episode? What happens during an episode for a paranoid schizophrenic?
Q: My doctor thinks I may be schizophrenic, and judging from my symptoms, paranoid schizophrenic. I don’t know what an episode is, or if I’ve had one before.Some of you may so “if you have one, you’ll know it”, but I… forgot what I was going to type.Anyway. Answer, please?
A: You find yourself mistrusting your family, friends, close associates, and people in general. You think that everyone is against you, and may even be in on a conspiracy.Common sense goes out the window and you feel scared, confused, manic, and come up with all kinds o f scenarios to explain your thoughts. This is all to yourself, to others, your behavior seems sullen, manic, and brooding until you lash out. If they are aware you have a condition, sometimes they can talk you down, other they will have no effect. Hopefully you go on the meds and talk to everyone close to you. Tell them what is going on. Also, don’t make decisions when you are not lucid if you can. Good luck and God Bless.
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