What is normal human blood pressure

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “What is normal human blood pressure”,you can compare them.

Normal can vary but here is a good guide: 130/85 – High Normal. 120/80 – Normal Blood Pressure. 110/75 – Low Normal. ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-normal-human-blood-pressure ]
More Answers to “What is normal human blood pressure
What is the normal blood pressure of healthy human?
120/80 is the normal blood pressure for all human beings. It is the ideal state. Your body undergoes different blood pressure reading at different times of the day. In a normal state, your blood pressure has to be 120/80. If it is consisten…
What is the normal blood pressure for human adults?
It should be under 120/80, which is now considered pre-hypertensive.
What is A Normal Blood Pressure Level in a Human?
The normal blood pressures are believed to be somewhere around 120/80 mm of Hg, whereby 120 is the systolic pressure, i.e. the numerator while 80 is the diastolic pressure, i.e. the denominator. The pressure of the blood changes in each of …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

The normal blood pressure is 120/80 in human being. It very from person to person and from area to area and?
Q: It is normally 120/80. It very from person to person, area to area and age factor is also there. Now a days in some places where is more polution 130/90 is also considered as normal blood pressure. But in general after 130 it is counted as high blood pressure and below 70 it is counted as lowblood prfessure. It deopend from person to person.
A: yes and who takes it I had 3 different nurses give me 3 different blood pressures before in the same doctors office.
what is the normal blood pressure for human adults?
A: It should be under 120/80, which is now considered pre-hypertensive.
Normal systolic blood pressure of human circulation is 120 mm hg.?
Q: Determine the equivalent height of a column of water.
A: The density of mercury is 13.6. Do the obvious mulitplication.
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