What is nephrology

Health related question in topics Science Health Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is nephrology”,you can compare them.

Nephrology – the branch of medical science that deals with the kidney. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-nephrology ]
More Answers to “What is nephrology
Science that studies the kidneys and their diseases.
Nephrology is the branch of medicine concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions related to the kidneys.
Nephrology is the branch of internal medicine dealing with the study of the function and diseases of the kidney. The word nephrology is derived from the Greek word nephros, which means “kidney”, and the suffix -ology, or “stu…

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Know of any sites to find out about nephrology?
Q: I’m having trouble finding information on the field of Nephrology, besides wikipedia.Does anyone know of anymore resources on the internet that i can use?
A: www.asn-online.orgwww.renalweb.comThese sites are both good places to start and will connect you to lots of resources
certified diagnostician with a double speciality in infectious diseases and nephrology?
Q: how long would i have to be in school to be a certified diagnostician with a double speciality in infectious diseases and nephrology? my mom said as long as a normal doctor but extra hard studying. what do you think?
A: Sounds like House. I think it would require some extra years of school to become board certified in both.
Does anyone have a subscription to the Journal of American Science and Nephrology?
Q: I have a quick question about something in one of their articles, but I’d prefer not to spend $20…it’s about today’s study on water consumption, I just want to confirm the logical that nowhere does it say to drink SODA INSTEAD as reported by a certain news organizationoops….society of nephrology
A: If it is a current article I think I can get it for you. I need the full reference however.You can im me, that may be the fasted way for me to be reached.
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