What is most painful way to die

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What is most painful way to die”,you can compare them.

It depends on your personality,perhaps that is a combination of what you fear happening to you physically, emotionally & mentally. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-most-painful-way-to-die ]
More Answers to “What is most painful way to die
What is the most painful way to die?
The most painful natural death is being burnt alive.
What is the least painful way to die?
If suicide, I suppose pill overdosing. If naturally, of old age.
Is cancer a painful way to die?
Cancer is a long journey. its not just about the dying at the end. its painful from start to end in many ways – emotionally and physically. its painful knowing so many things you once thought you would have lots of time to do in the future …

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What do you think the most painful way to die is?
Q: What do you think the most painful way to die is? :O:O :O :O :O
A: any of jigsaw’s traps in the saw movies
what is the easiest and less painful way to die and what is the most painful?
Q: i was arguing with my sister.. i said the easiest way was to get shot in the head and she said an over dose of drugs.. and the most painful was to burn alive or to drown… what do you thinki’m not suicidal or anything just curious especially many celebrities are dying those days
A: easiest- die in your sleeppainful-burned alive or get chopped up
What is the most painless /painful way to die?
Q: what is the most painless and what is the most painful ?I personally think old age dying in your sleep for painless and mesiothelioma for the most painful
A: shot in the head…instant death, although old age while sleeping seems painless toopainful: most cancers are terribly painful especially in the bone and in the lungs (all that coughing and not being able to breathe), also I would think being mawled by a bear would suck too. Also, I really think that burning to death (if your not knocked out from smoke inhalation) and drowning are probably 2 of the worst ways to die ever
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