What is more painful than child birth

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is more painful than child birth”,you can compare them.

The level of pain one can take varies with the individual. Some say the pain caused by kidney stones is worse than childbirth. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-more-painful-than-child-birth ]
More Answers to “What is more painful than child birth
Was you second child birth more painful than your first?
My second son pretty much “delivered himself”! I didn’t push, at all because my OB wasn’t in the room, but that didn’t stop my boy from coming! There was significantly less pain, less work, etc. That’s not the way it goes for all …
Is a sting from a stingray more painful than child birth?
Most people have to experience both at some time in their lives. Go ahead and just get both of them over at once.
Is There Anything More Painful Than Childbirth?
Childbirth is can be extremely painful, but at least the reason for it is known and it is usually over within hours and forgotten once the ‘reason’ has arrived. The yelling is a natural reaction, a bit like saying ‘ouch!’ when you stub your…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is a sting from a stingray more painful than child birth?
A: Most people have to experience both at some time in their lives. Go ahead and just get both of them over at once.
Is it more painful to loose a child at birth or years later ?
Q: Is it less painful at birth b/c you haven’t really bonded with the child with the exception of the baby being in your womb for 9 mos or more painful loosing a child in later years when you’ve spent all those years bonding, playing, living, laughing, enjoying life with the child.Please respond only if you’ve experienced either one. Thanks for your honest answers.
A: At birth because you never knew what could have been and you always wonder what if I had done this or that differently. But if I had lost that same baby at 30 I would have been as hurt love knows no time that bond is there from the moment you touch you stomach and know a little life is in your hands.
Ladies–have you ever experienced anything more painful than child birth? If so, what was it?
A: LMAO!!!! you are kidding me right? NOTHING is more painful then popping a watermellon out of a hole the size of a lemon! lol Even breaking something was not as bad as that.If there is… they can keep it! I dont want it.
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