What is mono? And what causes it

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is mono? And what causes it”,you can compare them.

Mono is the kissing disease or glandular fever.Mono is most often diagnosed in adolescents and young. Thanks for asking ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-mono%3F-and-what-causes-it ]
More Answers to “What is mono? And what causes it
What is Mono and what causes it?
“Mono” is a mild self-limiting illness and, in most cases, does not deserve its notorious reputation. It usually runs its course quickly and rarely produces any serious complications. One can expect complete return to normal healt…
What Causes Mono?
Infectious mononucleosis is most commonly caused by a virus known as the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). Mono is usually spread through infected saliva – that is why it is often called “the Kissing disease”. Transmission of the virus re…
Why does Campbell’s put mono sodium glutamate in their soup which…?
Monosodium glutamate is put into many foods to preserve them longer.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what causes the apperance of white patches in throat when one has mono/strep throat, etc?
Q: I had strep throat for a couple of weeks and now I have mono. Totally sucks. My doctor pointed out that I have small white patches in my throat. I forgot to ask her why the patches appear. What causes this? I’m looking for an accurate answer, not a guess. Thanks 🙂
A: The name of the bacteria that causes strep throat (or “streptococcus pharyngitis,” inflammation of the pharynx/throat) is “streptococcus pyogenes”. “Streptococcus” refers to how the bacteria is formed (think of it as a string of pearls). “Pyogenes” means pus-forming. The white patches you see in the back of your throat are actually pus. [Hope this answer is sufficient! It’s the most basic way that I can explain it.]Take care of yourself! Mono is no parade, but you’ll be better before long. Remember to wash your hands. If you have to cough, cough into your elbow. Not your hands! That’s a main cause of spreading germs =(
What causes mono disease?
Q: What are the causes of mono?
A: Mononucleosis spreads by contact with moisture from the mouth and throat of a person who is infected with the virus. In addition to kissing; sharing drinking glasses, eating utensils, and toothbrushes, or touching anything that has been near the mouth of an infected person, may result in transmission of the disease.
can being exposed to mono cause some symptoms of mono?
Q: can being exposed to mono cause some symptoms of mono? not having mono, but when the doctor tells you that you’ve been exposed to it? If so which ones are someone most likely to get and how long do they usually last?
A: honestly, my first symptom was puffy swollen eyes. lasted for a few weeks, i also was very very tried it didnt matter if i got the full 8 hours of sleep before school like i usually could do. than i started to get a mild sore throat. after that i woke up one mornign unable to breathe i was so swollen. i was diagnosed with tonisilitis. but than i came back cause the antibitotics werent helping and i was gettign worse. than i got a blood test and there they found mono. also if they do the same thing they had done to me, i broke out into a severe rash because of the tonisltis/strep medication they ahd given me. it reacted horribly with my mono. i have a milder case.ps if your being exposed to it your most likely gunna get it.
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