What is mono

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is mono”,you can compare them.

Mononucleosis: noun; infectious disease marked by fever and swelling of lymph nodes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-mono ]
More Answers to “What is mono
Infectious mononucleosis, mono, kissing disease, and glandular fever are all popular terms for the very common illness caused by the Epstein-Barr virus or EBV. This is a member of the herpes-virus family. By the time most people reach adult…
Mononucleosis (Mono) is, indeed, caused by the Epstein Barr Virus. It usually presents with swelling of lymph node in the neck (commonly on the back of the neck), fatigue, cold- and flu-like symptoms, and a fever (sometimes). It can be diag…
What is mononucleosis? Mononucleosis, also called “mono,” is a common viral illness that can leave you feeling tired and weak for weeks or months. Mono goes away on its own, but lots of rest and good self-care can help you feel b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is this strep, mono, or what?
Q: So for the past couple of days I have had an intense head ache, ear ache, and sore throat. I have swollen glands and white spots on my tonsils, but no fever. I went to the doctor, negative for strep, negative for mono (they pricked my finger instead of doing actual blood work so that may not be effective.) What could this be!and i forgot to add that i had a rash and hives covering my entire body a couple of days ago (maybe a week)and i forgot to add that i had a rash and hives covering my entire body a couple of days ago (maybe a week)
A: Shoot! that sucks, but your probably fine. dont worry about it. take a tylenol or something and let it pass. if you are having difficulty breathing or something very severe like that or you cant see straight, then go to emerg (in a CAB of course, or get a friend to drive)
Q: I share my drinks sometimes with my friends, but after seeing that commerical about it I am sure I wont anymore. I have never had mono. I heard you can get it from kissing. That sucks, should I like be in fear of kissing now because of mono?Also dose everyone get mono at least once in thier life? Should I be afride of kissing guys?I do have a boyfriend but he has never had mono from what i know of.Any info you can give me about this “mono” whould be helpful.I am just curious I want to know what I can or should do to prevent it, and should I be worried about it?
A: Mono is not a life threating disease.. When I was a sophmore in highschool I got it.. Alot of people that year in my school got it… Cuz everyone shares drinks and stuff… You should never share drinks with anyone it’s definatly not sanitary.. It is known as the kissing disease.. But any where there is slavia you can get it.. lipstick, cigarettes, drinks, anything that has transferred from one person mouth to the others…It wasn’t that horrible but it did take alot of energy out of you.. I was out of school for 3 mths and was put on like a liquid diet…. and they gave me codone so I slept all the time.. With mono you are already tired.. It started off as me thinking I had strept throat.. and here it was mono… One thing to remember is that once you have it.. It never completely leaves your system.. So don’t freak out too bad.. If you want to keep smooching with your boyfriend.. do it…. But stay away from sharing to many products with people that carry salivia…
What’s the difference between Copolymer and mono filament?
Q: What’s the difference between Copolymer and mono filament? I’m looking for some good line other than braid and FC for deep water cranking (FC is just to d*mn expensive!) . So I’m looking and I see Copolymer and mono lines, I have no clue what the difference is!Is Copolymer FC coated mono? And is Copolymer very manageable?
A: Copolymer is a combination of mono and fluorocarbon lines. I use Yo-zuri Hybrid on my baitcasting rigs and it works great. Less stretch and less light reflection than mono. Also tough as nails.
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