What is leukoplakia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is leukoplakia”,you can compare them.

Leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion that develops on the tongue or the inside of the cheek as a response to chronic irritation. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-leukoplakia ]
More Answers to “What is leukoplakia
Leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion that develops on the tongue or the inside of the cheek as a response to chronic irritation.
Leukoplakia is… Leukoplakia is a type of cancer found inside the mouth, usually inside the lower lip and cheeks. It is caused mainly by using spit tobacco. Leukoplakia looks like a white, frothy, dead patch of skin. It affects less than 1…
Your doc wants to do a biopsy because sometimes leukoplakia can be cancerous. Leukoplakia is like white patches on the inside of your cheek. Sometimes it’s just tiny patch and sometimes it’s large enough to cover the majority of your cheek….

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Do somebody have leukoplakia and got cancer after 3 years you learn that you have this disease?
A: Yes Leukoplakia may turn into cancer. the possibilities are more for this. Please read.Leukoplakia is a condition of the mouth that involves the formation of white leathery spots on the mucous membranes of the tongue and inside of the mouth. It is not a specific disease entity and is diagnosed by exclusion of diseases that may cause similar white lesions like candidiasis or lichen planus.Leukoplakia affects less than one percent of the population, and is common in adults, mostly in the 50-70 years age group.The cause in most cases is unknown, but many are related to tobacco use and chronic irritation. A small proportion of cases, particularly those involving the floor of the mouth or the undersurface of the tongue is associated with a risk of cancer.The so-called hairy leukoplakia associated with HIV infection and other diseases of severe immune deficiency does not have risks for cancer.TreatmentThe treatment of leukoplakia mainly involves avoidance of predisposing factors like smoking, tobacco and betel chewing, alcohol,and removal of chronic irritants like sharp edges of teeth. In suspicious cases, a biopsy is also taken, and surgical excision done if pre-cancerous changes or frank cancer is detected.
What can i use to get rid of leukoplakia?
Q: I just quit smoking recently, but I noticed that my throat was hurting and I found a patch of what looks like leukoplakia at the top of my throat, but i do not know how to treat it, it seems to be getting better, but it is still bothering me. What can i use to make it go away quicker?
A: You cannot speed up the healing time without seeing you doctor. A small percentage of leukoplakic patches show early signs of cancer, and many cancers of the mouth (oral cancers) occur next to areas of leukoplakia. For that reason, it’s best to see your dentist if you have unusual changes in your mouth lasting longer than a week.well done for quiting smoking!
Is it possible to have leukoplakia on leteral sides of tongue?
Q: i’ ve been smokin for 7 years.. i realised that i had leukoplakia on leteral sides of my tongue…is it possible to have leukoplakia on leteral sides of tongue, or is it hairy leukoplakia which is locate leteral sides of tongue..
A: Yes, you can have leukoplakia on the sides of your tongue; hairy leukoplakia almost exclusively occurs in those with deficient immunity (HIV or malignancy). This is something you should definitely have checked out by your dentist or oral surgeon and possibly biopsied – better safe than sorry.
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