What is iron deficiency anemia

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A common type of anemia – a condition in which blood lacks adequate healthy red blood cells – due to insufficient iron. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-iron-deficiency-anemia ]
More Answers to “What is iron deficiency anemia
Iron-deficiency anemia is a common, easily treated condition that occurs when you don’t have enough iron in your body.
The most common cause of anemia is iron deficiency. Iron is needed to form hemoglobin. Iron is mostly stored in the body in the hemoglobin. About 30 percent of iron is also stored as ferritin and hemosiderin in the bone marrow, spleen, and …
Iron deficiency anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells, caused by a lack of iron.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to develop iron deficiency anemia, without having heavy menstrual periods?
Q: Today I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. I can’t seem to think of a reason for this, because I don’t think I have heavy periods . Can anyone help me?
A: Yes. Most women are a little bit anemic because of menstruation. For a woman who is naturally anemic menstruation can make it worse even if it isn’t heavy. You just need to get more iron in your diet is all.
What treatments, drugs, or vitamins would you suggest to someone who has iron-deficiency anemia?
Q: What treatments, drugs, or vitamins would you suggest to someone who has iron-deficiency anemia? What would you suggest to someone who has pernicious anemia?
A: I have iron-deficient anemia and the nurse told me to stop drinking so much tea (b/c tea blocks iron absorbtion), eat more greens, fish, eggs, take vitamin B12 or iron.not sure about the other.
How do I know if I have iron deficiency anemia?
Q: Sometimes I have moments when I get really cold, pale, dizzy, my legs and arms feel heavy, and I feel like I’m going to faint. I suspect it may be iron deficiency anemia but I want to get a second opinion. Any help?
A: You are exhibiting most of the signs and symptoms of anemia. but anemia can be caused by several other conditions and not just the iron deficiency. It would be wise to go to your doctor so he can run some blood/lab test to rule out any other problems you have. A family/general practice doctor will be good enough to do this for you. or you can go directly to an internal medicine doctor. try taking some over the counter iron supplements to alleviate your symptoms while you are waiting for the doctor to see you.
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