What is inplantation bleeding

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What is inplantation bleeding”,you can compare them.

Implantation bleeding is a pink or brown tinged spotting that occurs when the egg implants in the uterus. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-inplantation-bleeding ]
More Answers to “What is inplantation bleeding
Sometimes your body doesn’t get the message that there is a baby starting to develop, so it will go about its business. Sometimes there is break-through bleeding,implantation bleeding//or spotting. This means that the embroyo is attaching t…
Implantation bleeding is the release of a small amount of blood as the embryo implants within the wall of the uterus. Since implantation occurs 10 days post conception, implantation bleeding is usually noticed at just about the time of or s…
Implantation bleeding is vaginal bleeding that occurs in some women during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Since so many women have unexplained spotting or light bleeding early in viable pregnancies, the theory is that harmless light blee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How soon do u get inplantation bleeding?
Q: How long after unprotected sex would u get inplantation bleeding? I thought it was the day after, but people on here are saying weeks after??? Im all confused….Also what are the signs of it?
A: Im going through the same thing!!!Ok gonna tell u everything and all the gorey details!! sorry!had sex 1st jan and it started 5th Jan – bright pink blood couple of wipes then gone today brownish blood lasted two wipes then gone.Have a look at my full question may be a bit like you story or may have useful answers for you?I haven’t had a real period since October not pregnant as tested new years eve , but i could be now!!
How soon would u get inplantation bleeding?
Q: How long after unprotected sex would u get inplantation bleeding? I thought it was the day after, but people on here are saying weeks after??? Im all confused….Also what are the signs of it?
A: Hey, Frances, dont know the answer to your question, but if you say your last name is “McFadden”, then I know you are imitating a girl I used to go to school with in Cabot. Are you? Lol, jw. Email me. Gtg
How long after inplantation bleeding can you tell if your pregnant?
Q: i’m not 100% sure but i think i may be pregnant, i’ve just started bleeding a little so it’s ither inplantation bleeding or a period it’s quite alot of blood but i had this with my first child. i tryed to take a test but the tests that i have require you to put the test into you urine rather then mid flow so mostly it was bloody and showed up negative, when does you body start producing the pregnancy hormone, thanks Carla xxit was one that you can only do the first day of a missed period.
A: HCG is detectable with the most sensitive tests about 3 days before your period is due. What type of test did you use? Did it specify that it is an early detection test? If not, it is made to pick up on levels of HCG that would be produced around the time your period was due or a few days after it was late. I would recommend getting a First Response Early Detection pregnancy test tomorrow for the most accurate result.
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