What is implantation bleeding?MORE

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is implantation bleeding?MORE”,you can compare them.

Implantation bleeding occurs when an egg has been fertilized and implants into the lining of the uterus. Thanks for using ChaCha. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-implantation-bleeding%3Fmore ]
More Answers to “What is implantation bleeding?MORE
Sometimes your body doesn’t get the message that there is a baby starting to develop, so it will go about its business. Sometimes there is break-through bleeding,implantation bleeding//or spotting. This means that the embroyo is attaching t…
Implantation bleeding is the release of a small amount of blood as the embryo implants within the wall of the uterus. Since implantation occurs 10 days post conception, implantation bleeding is usually noticed at just about the time of or s…
Implantation bleeding is vaginal bleeding that occurs in some women during the first few weeks of pregnancy. Since so many women have unexplained spotting or light bleeding early in viable pregnancies, the theory is that harmless light blee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is implantation bleeding more common in women who already had a baby?
Q: I have been researching implanatation, when does it occour and is it more common after having your 1st child? I never had this with my 1st baby, she is now 16 months. Thank youuu xx
A: I think its a random thing…I had obvious implantation spotting and cramps with Isla but nothing with the baby I lost (perhaps it never implanted properly) 🙁
Is implantation bleeding more common with a twin pregnancy?
Q: I think I felt myself ovulating on both sides on the 21st of Nov. and had sex that day because we are TTC. Now today Dec 4th I started bleeding . I had no usual PMS signs like bloating. I have two other children both single pregnancies and never had implantation bleeding? Could this just be an early period (it was only a 26 day cycle) or could this be implantation bleeding?
A: Remember that every pregnancy is different. Just because you didn’t have implantation bleeding in other pregnancies does not mean you never will. Also, it could be an early period. If it is implantation you’ll bleed for a couple of hours then it will stop. Give yourself some time, like a week or so, and then take a test.Good luck!!
Has anyone had implantation bleeding more than 3 days?
Q: I know that most of the time implantation lasts 1-3 days, but I was wondering if anyone has had implantation for more than 3 days and if so what was the flow of it? How many days did it last? and how long after did you get a + HPT
A: It really isnt a flow, its just spotting, dont mind that take a test a week – 2 weeks after your missed period
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