What is heyfever

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Hay fever (n.) an allergic reaction to pollen. Symptoms include a runny and itchy nose, itchy and watering eyes, and sneezing. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-heyfever ]
More Answers to “What is heyfever
Do bees get heyfever?
Erm….*giggles*…I don’t think they do sneeze as they may drop all that pollen. I have certainly never heard a bee sneeze. Maybe you have hence the reason you ask? 😀
What perscription tablets except for piriton are good for heyfeve…?
i have tried loads but the best for me are neoclartyin 5mg antihistamins. you get them from the docs only and take one a day. they dont make you sleepy so drivings fine. I used to sneeze constantly around my parents dogs and scratch likehel…
Will local honey help my sons heyfever?
Oh how I remember thos days of dropping off to sleep in class due to the Piriton. I’m sure the doctor could give him some non-drowsie tabs. They sell them over the counter so I can’t see a problem. If he’s taking exams then he must be aprox…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to have a cold and heyfever at the same time?
A: i think it is possible, while you may have flu, the pollen count still affects you.but you can rarely tell the difference if you have them togteher.
Does anyone know any non medicinal remedies for fighting off heyfever?
Q: It gets me every year, and no matter what prescriptions I take they never seem to work that well.
A: Alfalfa Complex is very effective for most people. Reaching as deep as 20 feet into the soil, the roots of the alfalfa plant brings forth minerals in their most natural form. Alfalfa offers a wide range of nutrients: calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, chlorophyll, bioflavonoids, trace minerals, and vitamins.Hope this is helpful and feel free to contact me with questions or if interested in the brand.
what perscription tablets except for piriton are good for heyfever?
A: i have tried loads but the best for me are neoclartyin 5mg antihistamins. you get them from the docs only and take one a day. they dont make you sleepy so drivings fine. I used to sneeze constantly around my parents dogs and scratch likehell, sore eyes with hayfever and runny nose……. touch wood all these symtoms have vanished. its worth a try but what works for one may not for others. speak to your gp and good luck 🙂
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