What is good to sooth a sore throat

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A good way to soothe a sore throat is to gargle warm salt water, suck on throat lozenges and drink warm tea. Feel better soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-good-to-sooth-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What is good to sooth a sore throat
What is good for sore throat?
Hot tea(reg or green) with lemon juice, honey and a shot of whiskey. Always makes my throat feel better. Hope you do too.
What is the best way to get rid of sore throat?
There’s only one way that is easy and 100% will cure your sore throat fast, using regular salt. Take a salt shaker and shake it 2 to 4 times straight to your throat every 2 hours. Very important to do it before your bedtime and throughout t…
Did you know that thyme is really good for a sore throat??
Slippery Elm lozenges. Slippery elm is a really soothing herb that helps heal internal mucosal tissues (coats the esophagus). There’s also a tea by Traditional Medicinals that’s called ‘Throat Coat’ and it’s really great for doing it’s name…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I sooth my sore throat?
Q: I need tips on how to sooth a sore throat with out having to go to the doctor’s office. Any tips?
A: Gargle with luke warm water,with a spoon of table salt added to one glassful..it wud not only soothe ur throat but will also heal any infections with its fomentation effect…..try it,its miraculous.
how can i sooth a sore throat without medicine?
Q: i ran out of sore throat candies and mi throat reely hurts!does anyone kno any other ways 2 sooth it?plleze help asap!
A: If you get a cup of warm salt water and rinse, then the pain won’t be as bad. Also, try sleeping. That always helps too. Sleep is kind of a natural pain reliever. If you want to eat something, then try eating soft things such as noodles (Ramen) and other soft foods. Avoid soda, but other fluids such as water, ginger ale, and orange juice. DO NOT drink milk because it increases the amount of mucus in your nose and throat and that will make it worse. If you do by any medicine though, Chloraseptic is the best throat medicine. I hope this helps. Vote best answer!
How to sooth a sore throat?
Q: well its been like 6 days i have been sick and my throat hurts all the time. I went to the clinic and the doctor said i don’t have strep throat. I have tried everything to crushing Tylenol and gargling it with warm water i also tried lozenges and sprays. is there anything i can do to help sooth my sore throat?
A: Honey and lemon juice have always been good for me. But, I have only had regular sore throats, and not strep.
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