What is gingivitis

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Gingivitis is a dental condition whereby the gums of the mouth become inflamed. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-gingivitis ]
More Answers to “What is gingivitis
Gingivitis is inflamed gums. The most common cause of gingivitis is inadequate oral hygiene. Improving one’s oral hygiene through frequent effective brushing and flossing usually reduces or eliminates gingivitis. It is important to differen…
Gingivitis is defined as inflammation of the gingiva (gums) surrounding the teeth, with no radiographic evidence of bone loss
Gingivitis is mild gum disease. It is an infection caused by germs called bacteria, that hurts your gums. Gingivitis occurs when there is a buildup of plaque (sticky film) on your teeth and gums. Plaque contains bacteria that can irritate y…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: my aunt’s cat has it, she’s 12 yrs old and my aunt doesn’t want to put her under anesthesia. the vet also said that she’s very dehydrated and she might have kidney problems because of the gingivitis, what should my aunt do? she recently lost 1 cat to diabetes and old age so it would kill her if she lost this 1 2
A: Not treating gingivitis allows bacteria to circulate from the inflamed area into the blood stream which will be dangerous to the heart.12 isn’t old on a cat, you can also ask the vet which is kinder to use — a liquid anesthesia or the gas type.Unless the cat was underweight or over the age of 15, I’d go ahead and have the problem taken care of.
How can you get rid of gingivitis with braces on?
Q: I’m 13 and have braces on. I also have mild gingivitis. How can I get rid of it?Would a waterpik or electric toothbrush help? Is it common to have gingivitis with braces on?Thanks.
A: if your gums bleed when you brush, it means there is bacterial infection in that area…so by not brushing , you let the bacteria stay and grow even more!!! dosn’t matter how much it bleeds, continue brushing, but never be harsh on your gum, try to use a soft or even extra soft bristle brush ( some dental offices do have extra soft toothbrushes that they order directly from dental supply companies)….what type of floss you use/??? of course with the brackets and wires you can’t use a regular floss , you need Floss threader in order to reach in between….again dont’ worry about bleeding, when you see bleeding, continue brushing , and dont’ get discouragedont’ use listerine mouth wash…since your gums are very irritated , since listerine has alcohole in it, USE ACT mouthwash because it has fluoride which is good for you specially now that you’re having braces!try to hold the brush at 45 degree angle to your gum lines ( when tooth meets the gum) and kinda giggle the brush gently and massage your gum, you can also use rubber tip …your gum needs stimulation right now ….don’t worry , you will be fine .i’m very sorry and disturbed to see that stupid orthodontist that treats you didnt’ give you good instruction about maintaining oral health!! it really makes me mad when i see such people working !!! they MUST give you written instruction or atleast reffer you to hygiene cleaning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can I get rid of my cats gingivitis without spendin hundreds of dollars at the vet?
Q: I took my cat to the vet yesterday and his gumline on the top is red. The vet said it was gingivitis. He said it would be $150-$200 to clean it up. I can’t afford that but want to help my kitty. What can I do for him at home to get rid of the gingivitis? Do they have kitty listerine or something? Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
A: Take the cat to the PDSA or RSPCA They will treat the cat and you can make a donation that you can afford.
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