What is gall stones

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Gallstones are solid deposits of cholesterol or calcium salts that form in your gallbladder or nearby bile ducts. ChaCha again!! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-gall-stones ]
More Answers to “What is gall stones
No it’s not really bad. It’s really miserable to suffer with them though. Gallstones are usually made up of cholesterol crystals that accumulate in the gallbladder to form little rocks of various sizes. They can vary from sand size particle…
A gall stone, is a lump of hard material usually range in size from a grain of sand to 3-4 cms. They are formed inside the gall bladder formed as a result of precipitation of cholesterol and bile salts from the bile. These small, hard concr…
Wow that speedopi guy is a real nut job. Your gallbladder is located on the visceral surface of the right side of the liver. A gallstone is a stone in the biliary tract made up of cholesterol, bile pigments and calcium salts.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do these natural remedies to flush gall stones work?
Q: I’m having (I think) gall bladder attacks about every month now. I know these are caused by gall stones.Looks like I have three options,1) eat better, and hope I don’t have any more attacks2) have my gall bladder removed3) “flush” my gallbladder with some of these natural remedies.Do these natural remedies really work, or do they just want my money?
A: You cannot “flush” gallstones. PERIOD.There are people who want to sell you something, and they will lie and tell you that a flush will work. They do not. Gallstones do not pass from the gallbladder no matter what you take. It just does not happen.
What should you eat and what should you not eat if you have gall stones?
Q: I found out i have gall stones. There are so many web sites that say different things concerning a diet for the problem. I need help on figuring out what to avoid and what not to avoid.
A: Mostly, until you can get the problem fixed, avoid heavy fats, oils and sugars. These are the things that aggravate the condition, as these are the things that bile aids digesting. There’s a good gall bladder diet here:http://www.gallbladderattack.com/gallbladderdiet.shtmlIf you start having regular gall bladder attacks (feels like heart attack, but occurs just under the right rib cage and extends to the right side of the spine) get medical help immediately; it is a serious condition. Ask your surgeon if he can do minimally invasive surgery (Laparoscopic cholecystectomy), as you will heal faster and there is much less trauma to the body. I was released from the hospital three days after my surgery a few years ago. http://www.healthcentral.com/ency/408/002930.htmlDisclaimer: I am not a member of the medical community and have no license to diagnose or prescribe medicine or treatments. Please consult with a llicensed physician before taking my advice.
How to get rid of the bad taste in the mouth with gall stones?
Q: I have gall stones and i can seem to get rid of this bad taste in my mouth can anyone help me get rid of it?
A: May sound weird, but try eating some crystallized or glace ginger – any ginger, really – in tea, grated on food, whatever. Worked for me.
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