What is flaringitis

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Flaryngitis is a badly inflamed sore throat. Please ChaCha again soon! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-flaringitis ]
More Answers to “What is flaringitis
Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx that frequently results in a sore throat.
Often referred to as a sore throat , acute pharyngitis is a painful inflammation of the pharynx (the area that joins the nasal cavity and the oral cavity to the larynx) in the throat region. ‘Acute’ pharyngitis simply means that the conditi…
Pharyngitis is inflammation of the pharynx or throat. It is usually caused by a viral infection but can also be bacterial as is the case with strep pharynhitis. Treatment is rest, fluids, hot drinks and candy to soothe the pain, tylenol for…

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How do I unblock my ears?
Q: Im just overcoming flaringitis and my ears have been like annoying me so much ahhhh!! Its not the normal blockage that u can just pop your ears and its all good. Its one of those things were you can like hear your breathing and things you say are like amplified but your hearing is really bad!!PLEASE HELP!! ITS DRIVING ME NUTS!!!
A: Tilt your head and put a couple drops of hydrogen peroxide in there. Let it sit for a minute or two (you’ll hear it sort of fizz, don’t worry, it’s safe) and then use one of those suction aspirators to remove the peroxide. You may have to do this a few times, but it works really well. Whatever you do, DON’T use a q-tip.
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