What is emetophobia

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Emetophobia is the fear of vomiting. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-emetophobia ]
More Answers to “What is emetophobia
Emetophobia is an excessive or irrational fear of vomiting or of being around others who are vomiting.
Emetophobia is defined as “a persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of vomiting or throwing up”, and is a common phobia that causes many people needless anxiety and distress. It can cause panic attacks, isolation from social ac…
Emetophobia is an uncontrollable and irrational fear of regurgitation. This general phobia takes encompasses a number of fears associated with vomiting, such as an intense aversion to watching another person regurgitate or the fear of devel…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: I’m only 13 and I suffer badly with emetophobia. I feel so alone because my friends would laugh if I told them. I can’t be around people drinking alcohol or go on a boat which is bad because my sister gets trsvelsick so I get panicy everytime we go on holiday.I was just wondering if I could chat to anyone who also suffers or used to suffer so I wouldn’t feel so different to everyone else.
A: there is a great site that you can go and talk about this fear, with plenty of others who suffer from it as well.nomorepanic.co.ukit’s a great site, with very sweet people who will be able to understand you. i’m sure you won’t feel alone if you go there and chat for a while.
Has anyone been successfully treated for emetophobia with pure hypnoanalysis?
Q: I have severe emetophobia (fear of vomiting) that is ruining my life. I have tried normal hypnotherapy and it had little effect, just wondering if anyone has tried pure hypnoanalysis and had any success?
A: hi :):)I suffer from the same the same thing 😀 At one point of my life it did the same to me.I did some things to keep it at bay. 1) i sat down and talked to some one about it.2) I focused on a point on what I wanted to do achieve3) I changed the way I thought about things.4) I fall asleep with Doctor who on on my ipod.One of the best things to do is take one day at a time whilst getting better. Talk to people tell a few close friends what your going through don’t keep it all bottled up.Don’t think about it far to much because it only happens what once every year at Max. I’m sorry if this has not helped. feel free to email me. :)i hope u get over this.
has anybody gotten rid of their emetophobia?
Q: i have a fear of seeing people throw up, (emetophobia) and it is fairly serious. i am a teenage rand have had it for about 3 years i never go into public bathrooms ,theme parks , airplanes, or anywhere it might happen. has anyone gotten rid of a fear or have any tips?thanks!
A: Omg i have the same fear, but mines more i fear of throwing up myself, i dont mind seeing or being around others as long as im not going to catch it. I would really love to have someone to talk to about it, maybe swap msn addresses? and do you have any website support groups, it helps talking to someone with the same fear. Good luck to you!
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