What is egos

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Ego (noun) is the part of a person’s self that is able to recognize that person as being distinct from other people and things. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-egos ]
More Answers to “What is egos
an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others self: your consciousness of your own identity (psychoanalysis) the conscious mind basically ur cofidence level…if u have a big ego ur confidence is high and viseversa i thought it…
An exaggerated sense of self-importance; conceit. Or, an appropriate pride in oneself; self-esteem.
Grass is always greener in someone else’s pasture. ( I just made that up after 2 martinis) but I think I will use that often. Sly has many great characteristic and much charm. In his interviews he comes across as much more educated than his…

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A: How about…”The Seen and the Unforeseen” ?Blessings!
What are 3 characters blinded by their egos, and consequently manipulated by others, shown in “Julius Caesar”?
Q: I’m writing an essay for my Honors English 2 class. My thesis is: “The men in power displayed in “Julius Caesar” are vulnerable to manipulation from being blinded by their egos, caused to believe in a false sense of superiority and invincibility.”I need a third character that exemplifies this, and I am already using Caesar and Brutus.Please give me any pointers about the thesis if you think it could be better, and please help me with that one last character!Thanks!
A: What about Casius? Didn’t he feel it nescisary to kill Mark Antony, and Brutus persuaded him not to, therefore leading into Antony becoming a major problem later on? Perhaps Casius believed to much in his power to kill ceasar, and trusted Brutus against his own will leading into Casius’s death. Blinded by his will POWER, not his gut instinct…hmmmm maybe. 🙂
Why do you think people with huge egos are unattractive?
Q: I noticed, most people who have huge egos, are not attractive at all. They usually also have low self esteem- yet have this huge ego personality.I already have my opinion about it, what about you?
A: Its usually people who are good looking that have big egos.They appear good looking but have problems inside and are afraid that they may lose their looks ( look at Gene Simmons wife who is an ex playboy bunny) .But guys and girls who think they are all that and use and throw people away are aweful and not that attractive.Those who are bad looking usually have low self esteem and put themselves out there far less. But I have seen good looking people with no confidence who are quiet -people think they are snobby and they aren’t.I have seen people who are not so attractive who think they are all that.
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