What is diahrrea

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Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-diahrrea ]
More Answers to “What is diahrrea
Diarrhea is having loose, watery stools that usually occur more than three times per day for a period of a day or two. Diarrhea occurs when the normal function of the intestine is disrupted because of a short-term problem, such as an infect…
Diarrhea is loose, watery stools. A person with diarrhea typically passes stool more than three times a day. People with diarrhea may pass more than a quart of stool a day. Acute diarrhea is a common problem that usually lasts 1 or 2 days a…
Diarrhea means frequent loose bowel movements. Acute diarrhea starts suddenly and clears up within a few days, usually 1 or 2. It affects most people from time to time, usually after eating or drinking contaminated food or liquids. Diarrhea…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What could cause a person to have diahrrea everytime they eat?
Q: I have bee having diahrrea for about a week now and I do know what is causing it. I been taking Pepto but its not helping(I’ve taken it 3 times). Everytime I eat I have to go to the bathroom. I have bad gas with it too.
A: Its most likely due to bacteria in the colon.The answer is a colon cleanse.Colon Cleansehttp://www.soundfeelings.com/free/colon_cleansing.htm#recipe
What can i give my 7 year old disabled daughter for diahrrea, who wont take medicine orally?
Q: she has had diahrrea since sunday off and on, its worse today than it has been, 7 times in 24 hours, and 5 of those just today. she absolutely gags and pukes when we give her medicine, probably gonna take her to the ER tonight, but just curiouse if anyone knew any good home remedies or at least something i can buy otc thats not to be taking orally.
A: At least to keep her hydrated, supposedly Pedialyte tastes good, might not be too hard to pass if off as “juice”.
How do you deal with diahrrea after gallbaldder surgery?
Q: I seem to get diahrrea with EVERYTHING I eat since I had gallbladder surgery over a month ago. It is bright yellow in color. My stomach hurts really bad, and it is starting to get in the way of me working. I can’t stay out of the bathroom after I eat and I am starting to have to skip meals in order to get through the evenings? Do I have another problem, or is this just side effects, from not having a gallbladder.
A: i had my gallbladder removed a year ago I’m 18 now and it was really scary the doc said i had something else wrong with me ..my liver was enlarger and i had a stone in my pancreas..i waited too long and the pain was soooo bad…after surgery you get really bad shoulder pain because the air they put into your stomach has no where too go. i read that alot of ppl had diarrhea after the surgery. i didn’t have that . my stomach was really score i have 3 tiny scares on my stomach now. i find tho that if you don’t watch what you eat you will get another attack i still cant eat anything fattening. Ive gotten a few gallbladder attacks since. but the diarrhea isn’t anything to worry
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