What is diabetic keto acidoses

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Diabetic ketoacidosis is a life-threatening condition that develops when cells are unable to get sugar they need for energy. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-diabetic-keto-acidoses ]
More Answers to “What is diabetic keto acidoses
What is DKA (diabetic keto-acidosis)?
Basically when the body is starving (or thinks it’s starving) it gets involved to stay alive. It begins breaking down your organs to stay alive. The outproduct of this event is ketones and they can be measured in blood or urine. Untreated i…

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what is DKA (diabetic keto-acidosis)?
A: Basically when the body is starving (or thinks it’s starving) it gets involved to stay alive. It begins breaking down your organs to stay alive. The outproduct of this event is ketones and they can be measured in blood or urine. Untreated it evolves into ketoacidosis. Ketoacidosis can be fatal if not addressed.Anyone can become ketoacidotic, not just a diabetic. Anorexia, starvation diets or a really bad flu are examples of the body starving or thinking it’s starving. In the case of a diabetic… Your body works off a simple recipe to proess sugar. Food + insulin = fat cells. Need both ingredients. Our bodies make the insulin but a diabetic doesn’t make insulin. So even though the diabetic is eating, the body doesn’t recognize you ate anything since there’s no insulin being produced. It executes that same emergency plan, but in a diabetic it’s called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). A diabetic can still enter DKA after diagnosis. A diabetic who isn’t taking their insulin, eating any carbs, or has a really bad bug will make ketones. They have to stay on top of ketones and that bad bug with extra insulin and lots of liquids so it doesn’t get ahead of them.
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