What is Cysticfibrosis

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Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease of your mucus and sweat glands. It affects mostly your lungs, pancreas, liver, and sinuses [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-cysticfibrosis ]
More Answers to “What is Cysticfibrosis
What is cystic fibrosis?
Cystic fibrosis, or ‘mucoviscidosis’, is a hereditary disease. A defective gene results in an inability to transport salt in certain kinds of cells in the lungs and in the pancreas. It is the most common hereditary disease in Western Europe…
What causes cystic fibrosis?
People are born with cystic fibrosis; it is a genetic disorder. It occurs when a child inherits two copies of the defective CF gene, one from each parent. Approximately one in every 25 Canadians is a carrier of the gene respon-sible for CF….
How does cystic fibrosis affect the body?
Cystic fibrosis (CF) leads to the secretion of unusually thick, dehydrated, and sticky mucus in many tissues of the body, including the airways, pancreatic ducts, sweat ducts, sinuses, and bowels. Obstruction of the pancreatic ducts severel…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

A healthy mom and dad conceive a child with cysticfibrosis. Explain why this genetic disorder happen. ?
Q: What are also the chances of this happening!
A: Well, I guess that cystic fibrosis is a recessive gene. So..1. either both parents had it recessive and that’s how he got it.2. There was a mutation (like deletion) in the gene section and he could have gotten it from that.3. During cross over.Not sure of the chances.
i need to find the melonbank cysticfibrosis stair climb race results in philadelphia?
Q: february 22 2009
A: Mellon bank went the way of the pinto 6 years ago…anything that was affiliated with mellon u may wanna check out Citizens Bank…but better hurry , no telling if they will be in business by tomorrow
Cysticfibrosis this is a dieseand i want to see more info?
A: Cystic Fibrosis is a disease in which your lungs produce a mucus that clogs and damages your lungs. It’s carriers are mostly Northern Europeans.
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