What is conscription

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A conscription is a compulsory enrollment of persons for military or naval service; draft. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-conscription ]
More Answers to “What is conscription
In Britain and some other countries conscription means compulsory military service. In the U.S. it’s called the draft. Answer Its where armies force men and boys to fight in war.
What is CONSCRIPTION ? Conscription is the compulsory enrolment of people for service in the armed forces.
Conscription is a general term for involuntary labor demanded by some established authority. It is most often used in the specific sense of government policies that require citizens (often just males) to serve in the armed forces. It is kno…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: i have a policy debate on conscription and im negative. what should i say in my speech?
A: as an ex military man, i feel that conscription is useless,i will die to defend my country why, for the freedom to choose to do just that,exersise my right to be protected by a service that is proffessional in its way it conducts itself, gone are the days when the second liutenant blew his whistle and we charged the dreaded hun. without conscription you have an army that sees itself as a proffessional army,with conscription all you are doing is arming the thugs that are already on our streets ,conscription for the police force try it there first,just maybe you might see a change in the attitude of someone who has to attend a shooting or a motorist killed by an overhead dropped brick from a motorway bridge, let them attend the post mortem, see the human suffering, before training them how to shoot to kill. regards LF
Who introduced conscription during the Spanish Civil War and what year? Who was eligible for service?
Q: I’m particularly looking for the age range of draftees and how they were selected. Was it the government who introduced conscription or the nationalist rebels? Thanks.
A: I dont think it was nearly as organized as you think it might have been. I remember hearing tales that the reason that the bottom of beer mugs were clear back in those days was so people could spot a recruiter comeing into the establishment. Very often in such times the government was not very picky about who was recruited. It was much like a forced draft and i believe people were litterally just taken from the streets. Rather then the very nice formal way we would do a draft these days (shoudl one happen) where people get orders in the mail to report by such and such date.
Do you think that conscription would work in many countrys in a modern conflict?
Q: I think many would resist conscription personally and am interested in other peoples ideas on this matter.
A: I never thought I would sort of agree with a Canadian! Love Canada is basically right. Conscription teaches civic responsibility (the old “freedom isn’t free” thing) and that we as citizens are obligated to make sacrifices for the whole. Since 1974 we have been brainwashing kids into thinking they can do whatever they want and no one can make them do anything, etc etc etc. Since then we have been training and breeding a warrior class of people who voluntarily want to fight and complain less when they are deployed. There is no way we could have stayed at war this long in this unpopular of a conflict if we had a conscription military. America had conscription dating back to the forming of the National Guard in 1636. Why do you think we were isolationist for so long? Why did we leave Europe to fight her wars for so long? Nobody wanted to send their own kids. Geez, even Elvis was drafted.
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