What is clamitia

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Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease which can damage a woman’s reproductive organs. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-clamitia ]
More Answers to “What is clamitia
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium, Chlamydia trachomatis , which can damage a woman’s reproductive organs. Even though symptoms of chlamydia are usually mild or absent, serious complications th…
Chlamydia is a disease that is caused by the bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis. This sexually transmitted bacteria largely targets the female reproduction system, but may also thrive in the male genitalia. If it goes undetected for long enough…
Chlamydia is a form of STD you get from having unprotected sex with people who have it, and it is very painful. It doesn’t mean NO SEX , it just means be careful. As soon as you realize you have it go to a Doctor right away.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long after being infected with gonerhia or clamitia can u pass it on to another person?
Q: example : if I was infected on a saturday can u pass it on to someone else the same day?
A: Of course,Just because symptoms don’t appear within a 24 hour or right away period doesn’t mean you can’t infect other people.Most std’s can give you a conclusive test result between 48 hours to two weeks after the possible exposure risk. HIV testing is considered conclusive at the 3 month mark, though many people still get retested again at 6 months for piece of mind. Mind you, if you don’t have symptoms – it doesn’t mean you cant be infected. Some sti/std’s are asymptomatic (meaning no symptoms) and the only way to find out that you are infected is through Std/Sti testing.Please, if you think you are infected; refrain from any sexual activity until you are properly tested by your doctor or a local clinic.
Is there any possible way to get clamitia without having sex?
Q: please I need this answer my relationship is going to die if i don’t get it.
A: No, Chlamydia is an STD, period. You could have had the infection for quite some time without knowing it until now or you got it from your current partner, one or the other.
if you have clamitia but are being treated for it ?
Q: and then you have sex within the week that your not supposed to but do not have an orgasm…would you of messed up the treatment and have to go through it again ?i had sex with another person who has it. who is also my boyfriennd.
A: chlamydia — and yes, you have messed up your treatment and infected your partner go back to the doctor, get retreated. This time do it right and start using a condom. Wouldn’t it be nice if people stopped spreading disease?
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