What is Chrones

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Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines. Symptoms include abdominal pain and diarrhea. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-chrones ]
More Answers to “What is Chrones
What is chrones?
hi, I am a crohn’s pt. who was dxed at age 12. While there is no cure for it, there are a number of treatments that can put the illness in remission. Here is more information on what it is: Crohn’s disease is a chronic (ongoing) disorder th…
Living with Chrones disease…how do you do it?
Hello Sam, I have had crohn’s disease since the age of 12 and was given an ileostomy to save my life at the age of 17. Is your husband having his entire colon removed? if so, that’s called a total colectomy and he’d be given an ileostomy. …
What is chrones disease?
Chrones disease is an infection of the intestines. there is a small part of the intestine that is affected and usually gets smaller. The disease is very hard to identify an there are many expensive treatments.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can wheezing be a symptom of Chrones Disease?
Q: My friend is about 60 and she has Chrones and she wheezeswith the whistle in the Spring. I think she says it happens more outside when she’s working in the green grass, not sure. Her doctor refuses to give her anything for her wheezing or do a workup. I told her she needs to get another opinion but she’s real stubborn. She almost died by before she was diagnosed with Chrones. Any suggestions for my frriend?I’ll forward her the answers.
A: That symptom is not part of crones. What your friend has going on sounds more like asthma than anything else. She needs to go to her primary doctor to get a spirometry done, this will measure how well she is breathing and if she needs it, medications will be provided to her for treatment of these symptoms. Since she is having this reaction while working in the grass, I would think it is possibly an allergic reaction. In any case, the best diagnostician is her doctor. Hope this helps!
is there anyone out there that has chrones disease and gets regular mouth ulcers?
Q: my mouth ulcers are very large and sore and can last up 2 weeks.can they be found down the throat as i find it sore 2 shallow.i would be glad of help and also there is a white coating on my tongue and when i wake up in the morning my tongue is very dry.do u think all of this is connected 2 chrones.please help if u can.
A: Crohn’s disease can affect ALL part of your GI tract, including your mouth and esophagus. It is most commonley confined to the small intestine, but it can occur else where. II can’t offer you a solution or cure, but I do suggest that you speak with your docotr about your concerns. He or she will be better equipped to help you figure out what will work for you.
Can I conceive while my husband is taking azathioprine for 75mg/day for chrones disease and how much risky ?
Q: My husband is diagnosed in 2005which was in chronic stage.Since then he is taking this medicine regularly.His consultant advised not to conceive because of the side effects of the medicine.
A: hi jin, I am a female crohn’s for 28 yrs. If you go to the Crohn’s & Colitis foundation’s site, they have information on the newest meds, diet, pregnancy, surgery, etc. There is also a live chat, a hotline you can call and talk to a healthcare professional, and an open forum where you can post questions to others like yourself.Definitely check it out. It is constantly being updated on the latest treatments and meds recently approved by the FDA.best of luck to you and your husband.
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