What is calluses

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Callus (n.) 1. an area of skin that is thick or hard from continual pressure or friction 2: bony tissue formed during the MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-calluses ]
More Answers to “What is calluses
A callus is a thickened area of skin on the foot caused by pressure and repeated rubbing, such as from a shoe or sock.
A callus is an area of thick skin. Calluses form at points where there is a lot of repeated rubbing for a long period of time — such as the hours spent raking leaves. The skin hardens from the pressure over time and eventually thickens, for…
A thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin. Unlike a blister, a callus does not contain any fluid.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Q: Ive been getting allot of calluses from lifting weights, how can i stop from getting calluses?
A: Buy some good hand scrub and use that for now daily. When working out put lotion on your hands before putting work out gloves on. It helps your skin to stay moisturized and not get caluses. I know it sounds girly, but who needs to know you’re doing it, lol.
What is the medical condition or fungus disease that causes excessive calluses on the feet and hands.?
Q: These calluses crack open and cause much discomfort. Is there a remedy. I have tried the usual callus treatments and it is a never-ending battle. Has anyone else experienced this condition.
A: Hyperkeratosis.See a podiatrist.Urea Cream and Lactic Acid cream.
How do I get rid of calluses really fast?
Q: My shoes are a little big, and that’s probably the reason why I have calluses. Is there a fast way to get rid of them? I heard something about a pumice stone. What’s that?Also, the areas around my nails turns white if I get them wet because I would trim any dead skin around the tips of the toes. Now whenever I get my feet wet, the areas where I trimmed turns white when they soak up the water. I’ve stopped trimming away the dead skin, but how do I make these white areas go away? I don’t think they are calluses, so what do I do about them? They look really unsightly.
A: A dremel tool is the easiest thing in the world. Choose a large sanding bit and take it easy when using it because you can feel a burning sensation that can hurt. Keep doing this over a week and make sure you lather up with lotion in-between. As for the white areas, try a cutical remover and lotion
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