What is breakthrough bleeding

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Breakthrough bleeding is when you spot bleed while taking the active birth control pills. Bleeding when not on your period. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-breakthrough-bleeding ]
More Answers to “What is breakthrough bleeding
It is the blood generally caused when the female’s vaginal membrane is broken by the penis.
Its very normal to have breakthrough bleeding Breakthrough Bleeding Breakthrough bleeding (BTB) or spotting is the occasional, irregular bleeding/spotting you may experience while using a hormonal method of birth control. BTB is most common…
Breakthrough bleeding is bleeding that occurs between the expected times of the menstrual period. It can happen to people who are on birth control and people are aren’t. Have you been having a menstrual period for a while? Some people ha…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long should breakthrough bleeding last? Why does it clear up at night and return in the morning?
Q: I am on Cilsest BC Pill at the moment and am 2 days away from finishing my 3rd pack – and for the first time I have experienced breakthrough bleeding – I am on my 8th continuous day of bleeding now. It clears up at night and come back in the morning again? I havent missed any pills and I take them at the correct time too. Very unlikely to have Chlamydia so how long until it should stop? Also I am meant to be changing to another BC pill after this pack ends (2days) to Dianette to help my skin aswell – should I leave a week break before starting the dianette or take it straight away? Will a break give my body time to get over with bleeding so I can return to normal? Lol. Or should I take the new pills on Monday as it says to in the pack?
A: Start your new pills as prescribed by the doctor. You should see that your break threw bleeding stops since your changing pills. Remember to wait another 3 mo to find out if these pills are going to do the trick. If you continue to bleed a week after starting your new pills contact your doctor.
I have breakthrough bleeding but am not due to start my period for another week?
Q: I was recently diagnosed with the flu and given Tamiflu as well as a Z-pack for strep throat. I’m not sure if this could have caused the bleeding, but it’s not normal breakthrough bleeding. It’s dark brown and mostly in clot form. Should I be worried? Is this something I should call my doctor about? FYI – I clot every month, so that’s nothing new. It’s the fact that it’s a different color and not the right time of the month that has me freaked out. Thanks.
A: It may be an ovulatory bleeding which according to my doctor it’s normal and 60% of all women around the world have experienced at least once in their lifes!Of course has i’m not a doctor (i’m still studing to be so) and has i don’t know your present health state… i suggest you to see a doctor!it may be something occasional, but as i always say ‘Prevention is better than cure (if this one is taken too late)’!Hope is nothing bad and the best wishes!! 😉
What exactly is breakthrough bleeding while on the pill?
Q: I’m a week and a half through my second pack of BCP’s and am experiencing what I think is breakthrough bleeding. It’s mainly brown, but has a few blood spots in it. Is this what they call breakthrough bleeding? Should I be at all worried?
A: What you have is indeed breakthrough bleeding. The exact definition is bleeding that occurs mid-cycle (or BREAKS THROUGH the chemical barrier built by the pills).Sometimes it’s temporary, but sometimes its a sign that the formulation is not right for your personal chemistry. If it continues for several months or becomes heavier, you may need to change formulations. It’s perfectly normal to have this happen and often stops after a month or two.
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