What is Angels syndrome

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A genetic disorder that is caused by defects on the maternally derived chromosome 15, causing severe mental retardation, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-angels-syndrome ]
More Answers to “What is Angels syndrome
What is an example of angel man syndrome?
sleep disturbance, seizures, jerky movements especially hand-flapping, frequent laughter or smiling, and usually a happy demeanour.
Am currently treating redflame angel for this in one eye with Pim…?
Popeye has several causes… typically it’s a bacterial infection that is best treated with mild …
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Eyes with pseudoexfoliation syndrome have characteristics which predispose to angle-closure glaucoma: predisposition to posterior synechia formation, zonular weakness and associated forward lens movement, iris stiffness and rigidity, and a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does angel-man syndrome do to some one if they have it?
Q: I need to know im going to school and i have a report on it leaving in 15 mins!!!!!!! What im trying to say is that …..what does i do to the body.
A: Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neuro-genetic disorder named after a British pediatrician, Dr. Harry Angelman, who first described the syndrome in 1965.[1] AS is characterized by intellectual and developmental delay, speech impediment, sleep disturbance, unstable jerky gait, seizures, hand flapping movements, frequent laughter/smiling and usually a happy demeanour. AS is a classic example of genetic imprinting caused by deletion or inactivation of critical genes on the maternally inherited chromosome 15. The sister syndrome is called Prader-Willi syndrome, and is caused by loss of paternal imprinting pattern on paternally-inherited alleles.An older, alternative term for AS, happy puppet syndrome, is generally considered pejorative and stigmatizing so it is no longer used, though it remains useful as a diagnostic heuristic.
I am looking for a painting of an angel with Downs syndrome. Any ideas where to look?
Q: I have a friend at work, who has seen a painting of an angel with downs syn, but is unable to remember the name of the artist. My co-workers and I would like to find something like that for another co-worker who just lost one of her twins with downs.
A: do a google search-i found a site once that had artists and their work-recruit one whose style you like to paint the picture you want-sorry I don’t know the sight offhand.
Do any of you know about angel-men syndrome?
Q: Can you explain it to me?
A: Isn’t that a form of cerebal palsy? I think Collin Ferrell’s son has it.
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