What is an upper respitory infection

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A URI is any type of infection of the head and chest that is caused by a virus. It can affect your nose, throat, sinuses and ears. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-upper-respitory-infection ]
More Answers to “What is an upper respitory infection
What is an upper respiratory infection?
Commonly abbreviated to URI, upper respiratory infections are often highly contagious diseases spread by airborne viruses. The incubation period is approximately three to seven days from exposure to the first obvious symptoms. Sneezing, eye…
What is upper respiratory tract infection?
Acute Respiratory Diseases. Most acute respiratory diseases are viral infections. They may be complicated by bacterial superinfections in which a bacterial infection develops after a viral infection. In such a situation, however, an illness…
How do you treat an upper respitory infection (home remedies)??
You need to go to the doctor if you haven’t already. I’m all for home remedies, but there’s a reason it’s called an INFECTION – it means you need antibiotics. Then try steam therapies, herbal stuff like Echinacea – it stimulates the immune …

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My dwarf hamster hasstarted making a clicking sound…is this an upper respitory infection?
Q: I’ve started to hear a clicking sound from my hamster..it’s pretty constant but she’s not lethargic and she’s eating well too. I’ve read online that the clicking could be a sign of being happy and I’ve also read it can be an upper respitory infection? Should I take her to the vet?
A: No no no…clicking means she’s mad, silly.You need to get to know your hamster better and she wont be as nervous and mad around humans. Is this the first hamster you’ve owned?Usually if you wake them up or annoy them they do this.
How long can an Upper respitory infection last in a puppy?
Q: I brought her to the vet and they put her on clavamox. I am just curious as to how long it normally last or until it clears up the cough. I am going to be calling my vet this morning to see if i need to bring her back in, Her clavamox is almost out. she has been on it for 5 days now i beleive. anyone had this with their pet, and how long it took to clear up? or see improvement?
A: If they want to give more antibiotics ask them for doxycycline. Doxy kicks that sh*t right out. Also did she get cough tablets? They could give you little yellow cough tabs I personally prefer Vick’s 44 for the dogs
How do you treat an upper respitory infection (home remedies)?
Q: I am asking for my Dad. He is 72, mostly healthy except for diabetes.Active.He has been to the doctor once, but isn’t getting results.He has to sleep sitting up. Has had this several days.
A: You need to go to the doctor if you haven’t already. I’m all for home remedies, but there’s a reason it’s called an INFECTION – it means you need antibiotics.Then try steam therapies, herbal stuff like Echinacea – it stimulates the immune system and fights off colds. You can probably find it at Target, etc.
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