What is an obsessive compulsive disorder

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Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by obsessive thoughts and compulsive actions. ChaCha on! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-obsessive-compulsive-disorder ]
More Answers to “What is an obsessive compulsive disorder
Summary: Learn about obsessive compulsive disorder in this free mental health video.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by an inability to resist or stop continuous, abnormal thoughts or fears combined with ritualistic, repetitive and involuntary defense behavior.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the ” anxiety disorders.” It goes beyond the ordinary “double-checking” that all of us do from time to time. Everybody sometimes wants to make sure the doors are locked or t…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder just an excuse to ritualise every day operations until it ruins your life?
Q: Is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder just an excuse to ritualise trivial every day operations and actions until it ruins your life?
A: What is your question?You do not make yourself clear?You have the answer to “your” question all wrapped up within your one sentence.Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a ritual (or rituals) we feel we must perform, be it as “trivial” (to quote yourself) as constantly feeling a compulsion to check, ensure you have actually looked your door.Once leaving the house, walking away, we feel a desperate need to check over and over again that we have “really” locked the door.Or, we may feel a desperate need to wash our hands if we touch anything we think may cause us harm.By that I mean we would wash our hands, dry our hands, then we may touch something, then that need returns again and again and again..This Compulsion can just go on and on and on..So yes OCD may involve what you call “trivial” actions, “trivial” needs, involving to every day “operations”.But to those who suffer from this sometimes debilitating disorder, it can take over their lives, causing them to “re-enact their needs (ritual) over and over again.. This disorder can make it impossible for many who suffer to lead a normal life.So yes, it can ruin our lives..I do hope that this gives you a little insight to how this dis-order can take over our lives, leaving us little time to carry out everyday tasks.Could you explain to us why you feel the need to use the word “excuse” within your question?
Can I get an updated /new official medical report for obsessive compulsive disorder?
Q: I have obsessive compulsive disorder and I was diagnosed 8 years ago. I have not thought of it since. Things have changed and I have improved. I don’t want to use the old medical report, and I don’t know where it is. Can I get a new medical report for a job overseas?
A: If you had been to a doctor in a hospital, you will get a copy of that.You say you are improved, then you go for a check up now and get a new medical report which is better for applying for a Job overseas.
What do they do to treat people with an xtreme “o” factor with their obsessive compulsive disorder?
Q: What do they do to treat people with an xtreme “o” factor with their obsessive compulsive disorder? Meds,therapy? I was just wanting to know…..
A: People with the “extreme O Factor” really are experiencing mental rituals. Anything one does, thinks, or says to reduce anxiety can become a ritual.Cognitive behavioral Therapy with a strong ERP (exposure and response prevention) component should be your first step toward overcoming your distress.You can look for therapists experienced in CBT at www.aada.org.Continuing to do the mental or overt rituals merely serves to increase the anxiety in the long run.You can also join a yahoo group with several professionals with vast knowledge of OCD at [email protected]
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