What is an induced fit

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Induced fit (theory) is the change in shape of the active site of an enzyme so that it binds more snugly to the substrate. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-an-induced-fit ]
More Answers to “What is an induced fit
What is induced fit ?
Induced fit is when the enzyme alters its shape sightly so that it fits more tightly around the substrate molecule. This is to make the chemical reaction easier. So the answer should be B
What is the induced fit theory?
The induced fit theory came about in 1958 by a man named Daniel Koshland by taking the lock and key theory a step further. He suggested that because enzymes are flexible, the substrates were capable of changing the shape of the enzymes acti…
How do enzymes get their energy to change its shape during induce…?
Enzymes changing shape is more reactionary from their environment. ATP, the usual culprit, breaks its bond, and heats the area around it. This causes excitement in the enzyme, changing its shape and lets it do its job… when the heat dissi…

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Q: :)Biology homework help.
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describe how an induced fit increases the strength of interaction between an antibody and an antigen?
A: The binding site on the antibody has a certain amount of flexibility which enables it to optimise the strength of its binding to the antigen due to flexibility of the amino acids which make up the antibody structure. The antibody will bind the antigen and cause confirmational changes in the antibody which will lock on to the antigen even tighter.The simplest demonstration I can offer is what happens when you push your hand into a balloon as your hand “binds” to the balloon it becomes more in contact with the balloon’s surface – you have an induced fit.
. How do enzymes work (chemically speaking) ? Include a description of the Induced Fit model, the concept of l?
Q: . How do enzymes work (chemically speaking) ? Include a description of the Induced Fit model, the concept of lowering activation energy, specificity, and active site.
A: Chemically speaking, enzymes are catalysts that, like all catalysts, increase reaction rate by lowering the energy of activation. The way enzymes fold to form an active site gives specificity in that only the proper substrates fit into position at that site, and fit in a conformation that puts them in proximity of amino acid side chains that facilitate catalysis. The induced fit model, unlike the lock and key model in which a substrate simply fits into the prefolded enzyme at the right spot, says that the binding of a substrate to an enzyme’s active site induces changes in the enzyme’s folded state that may lead to tighter binding and do lead to more efficient catalysis.
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