What is acid reflex disease

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At the entrance to your stomach is a valve, which is a ring of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). Normally, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-acid-reflex-disease ]
More Answers to “What is acid reflex disease
What is acid reflex disease?
The valve that separates the esophagus from the stomach is incompetent. Acid regurgitates into the esophagus causing a chemical burn and irritation resulting in the symptom of heartburn. If it is really frequent and severe it is called GERD…
Are there any diets that will help acid reflex disease?
Ok here is the most up to date guidelines for mild reflux, it is not so much about the food as people think… Mild symptoms — Initial treatments for mild reflux include dietary changes and using non-prescription medications, including an…
What are symtoms of acid reflex disease?
burning throat(because of the acid build up), vomiting, food does not digest all the way-feels like it is in the back of your throat, stomach burning and hurting, and In some cases shoulder pain. it is the WORST FEELING. I did some research…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are symtoms of acid reflex disease?
Q: I was just simply wondering what the signs are of Acid Reflex disese. It there anyway to cure it? I might have it so thanx!
A: burning throat(because of the acid build up), vomiting, food does not digest all the way-feels like it is in the back of your throat, stomach burning and hurting, and In some cases shoulder pain. it is the WORST FEELING. I did some research, on the home remedy websites. They suggested Apple Cider Vinegar(Braggs) and honey. You can add garlic too. Yes, it is as disgusting as it sounds. There is no easy way to choke it down, but it works. I did this remedy for awhile, and it went away. You should start feeling relief quickly. Every now and then, I feel it coming on, but its not near as bad as it use to be. Good luck.
Are there any diets that will help acid reflex disease?
Q: I have acid reflex disease and i am having trouble finding a diet or any yummy foods that will not kill my stomach. If you have any foods or if you have acid reflex disease can you list them? Thanks!!
A: Ok here is the most up to date guidelines for mild reflux, it is not so much about the food as people think…Mild symptoms — Initial treatments for mild reflux include dietary changes and using non-prescription medications, including antacids or acid blocking medicines (such as famotidine [Pepcid AC®], cimetidine [Tagamet HB®], nizatidine [Axid AR®] and ranitidine [Zantac 75®]). Additional changes to the diet or lifestyle may also be helpful. For people with mild symptoms, these treatments can be tried before seeking medical attention. However, anyone with more serious symptoms should speak to their healthcare provider before using any treatment (see “Symptoms” above).Weight loss — In significantly overweight people, losing weight may help reduce reflux. In addition, weight loss has a number of other health benefits, including a decreased risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease. (See “Patient information: Weight loss treatments”).Raise the head of the bed six to eight inches — Although most patients only have heartburn for the two- to three-hour period after meals, some wake up at night with heartburn. People with nighttime heartburn can elevate the head of their bed, which raises the head and shoulders higher than the stomach, allowing gravity to prevent acid from refluxing.Raising the head of the bed can be done with blocks of wood or a foam wedge under the mattress. However, it is not helpful to use additional pillows; this can cause an unnatural bend in the body that increases pressure on the stomach, making reflux more likely. Several manufacturers have developed commercial products for this purpose (for one example, see www.bedge.com).Avoid reflux inducing foods — Some foods also cause relaxation of the lower esophageal sphincter, promoting reflux. Excessive caffeine, chocolate, alcohol, peppermint, and fatty foods may cause bothersome reflux in some people.Quit smoking — Saliva helps to neutralize refluxed acid, and smoking reduces the amount of saliva in the mouth and throat. Smoking also lowers the pressure in the lower esophageal sphincter and provokes coughing, causing frequent episodes of acid reflux in the esophagus. Quitting smoking can reduce or eliminate symptoms of mild reflux. (See “Patient information: Smoking cessation”).Avoid large and late meals — Lying down with a full stomach may increase the risk of reflux. By eating three or more hours before bedtime, reflux may be reduced. In addition, eating smaller meals may prevent the stomach from becoming overdistended, which can cause reflux.Avoid tight fitting clothing — At a minimum, tight fitting clothing can increase discomfort, but it may also increase pressure in the abdomen, forcing stomach contents into the esophagus.Chew gum or use oral lozenges — Chewing gum or using lozenges can increase saliva production, which may help to clear stomach acid that has entered the esophagus.Although these suggestions have been recommended for many years, their effectiveness has not been extensively evaluated in well-designed clinical trials. A review of the published literature concluded that there was evidence supporting the effectiveness of weight loss and head of bed elevation, but no evidence for the other measures described above [1]. Thus, these recommendations may be helpful in some, but not all people with mild symptoms of reflux.
can a person die from Acid Reflex Disease?
Q: My father has it. He’s 62. He has a hard time swallowing food. My father , mother , and sister goes to the doctor almost every day. And when they come home , they don’t tell me anything. So now , I’m worried. How can the cancer be prevented ?
A: I would sit down with them and tell them you are feeling left out and tell them that you are wondering if they are trying to hide cancer from you and you are worried. Acid Reflux can be caused by several things such as certain bacteria, being overweight, diet, etc. and can cause ulcers and sometimes cancer. My mother had a bacteria that caused it and she was on some really strong antibiotics for several weeks and had to see the doctor regularly during that time.
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