What is abscesses

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Definitions .We found some answers as below for this question “What is abscesses”,you can compare them.

Abscesses is a localized collection of pus in part of the body formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-abscesses ]
More Answers to “What is abscesses
An abscess is a collection of pus that has accumulated in a cavity formed by the tissue on the basis of an infectious process (usually caused by bacteria or parasites) or other foreign materials (e.g. splinters or bullet wounds). It is a de…
An abscess is a pus filled lump that can be painful. It can appear swollen and red. They can develop externally or internally. An external abscess develops just underneath the skin and is easily visible. An internal abscess develops inside …
An abscess is an enclosed collection of liquefied tissue, known as pus, somewhere in the body.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If I were on antibiotics for an abscess, could I still get more abscesses at that time?
Q: An abscess recently formed on my body- it has been operated on, and it still open. I am currently on antibiotics to fight infection.Would it be possible for new abscesses to form while taking these antibiotics? A little bump showed up on my body yesterday; what are the chances of that bump developing into an abscess?
A: Yes a new abscess or infection can form even if you are currently on antibiotics. If you develop an abscess due to a different bacterial organism that is not susceptible to the antibiotic that you are on, then you can develop an entirely new infection. This can also happen when you are on antibiotics, which kill the susceptible organisms and then the other organisms can have an overgrowth, leading to a new infection. You need to let the Dr. who is treating your abscess look at the new bump. He can take a culture or tissue sample if needed to see if any new bugs are growing there.
How can I stop abscesses from forming on my skin??
Q: I’ve had abscesses ever since I was in 5th grade, doctors have said it has been something genetic from my mother, they have stopped forming 4 3 yrs and started forming again, is there something missing in my daily diet that caused the puss to produce abscesses?Please help!
A: Go to a dermatologist and see what the Doc says. Usually they will prescribe you some soap and lotions to help with the problem. I have boles in my family. It’s also genetic on my mother’s side.
How much does it typically cost to have rabbit abscesses removed?
Q: I am pretty sure that my mini lop has an abscess on the top of her head. I try to give her good care, but I’m a college student…so I am worried that when I take her to the vet it will cost a lot
A: I have always home treated my pets for years unless something is an emergency. It costs the vet 200 bucks to just open an abscess (and yes he will scream like all hell!) and you have to constantly home-treat it by flushing it out and cleaning it with iodine for weeks yourself. Sometimes they need to be re-opened more than once. Just ask yourself if you are willing to pay someone make a teensy shallow inscision, when after, you will be doing all the work to flush it anyway for weeks.Go to www.guinealynx.info and look up abscesses. You will find how to treat them yourself. I am aware the site is for guinea pigs but it is the same thing and I have successfully used this with rescued animals. Just make sure everything is sterile before you flush/clean it out though, or you could do more harm than good.The stuff that comes out will be thick and nasty, It will hurt your poor bunny when you have to squeeze this out but just remember you are helping the poor thing. They get so full of pus they are painful to the touch (I’ve had one, I know). If you leave an abscess too long untreated, it may rupture internally and cause a blood infection and your poor bunny can die.
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